Chapter six

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man, this is boring. its been a week since what happened with that....thing, and Slender won't let me go anywhere. he won't even let me get out of bed unless i really need to. so...really i havent moved.

" how's it going lady?" i look up and see Ben 'sitting' in the air.

"being board." i grumble, laughing as i hear a clatter from someone dropping everything in the bathroom.

"well thats no fun. oh, got to go." i watch his body turn to dust and sigh as im alone in the bed with the canopy around me.

"you awake?" i don't answer Jack and pull the blanket over my head, hearing Jack sigh.

i feel him lay next to me and keep my head under the blanket.

"Little Flower..." Jack looks under the blanket with a frown. "stop ignoring me. i don't like it." i look at Jack through the blanket and laugh as he pulls me up. the only reason i don't ignore Jack is because he got ignored for  years.

"yay!" i keep my head hurried in Jacks neck and keep my eyes squeezed shut, holding him tightly.

"He'll be ok. he promised." when everyone came back to the house without that rake thing, Slender went out to look for it a couple days ago and he hasn't been back sense. i know he's very powerful and all, but it still worries me when he doesn't come back to the house for a while.

"hoe do you know? he always leaves." i whisper, playing with Jacks soft hair.

"cause i said. he...he has to." i feel Jack lay me down and gently lay on top of me, placing soft kisses along my neck while holding my shoulders tightly.

"why do you always do that?" i ask Jack, pushing against his finger and watching his claws pop out slightly.

"because i like to." he whispers in my ear, letting his sharp teeth bite down on it.

"stop, that hurts." Jack obediently stops and nods. "sorry."

really, when Jack is around me, he's a big softy.

"Jack, make them stop." i whisper, trying to ignore everyone screaming at each other about bull crap.

"What?" Jack looks up at me and sits up, stroking the side of my stomach.

"you dont like it when people fight?" i shake my head. "when both my parents are home at the same time that's all i hear. i know i can't say anything if i get in the middle of this cause i know ill just get mg ass kicked." i roll onto my side and sigh, closing my eyes. i really didn't like it over there. im glad Slender was looking for me. sure, i bet my parents are freaking out, but i really couldn't care less.

"you need clothes." i look at Jack. "huh?" "i said you need clothes. you've been wearing my shirts and sleeping in your fucking bra and underwater." i blush. "how do you-" "i sleep in the same room as you. c'mon. we're getting clothes." i get up with Jacks help and follow him out of the room, all the way down to the front door. i walk outside and keep walking, snatching my hand from Jacks as he grabs it.

"what are you doing?" "i-holding your hand...?" i nod and let Jack hold my hand tightly, following him out of the forest and into a park.

"oh!" i let Jack go and run over to a swing set, sitting on it and pumping my self back and forth.

"C'mon, we're supposed to be getting you clothes!" i look at Jack in front of me and sigh, jumping off the swing and landing in front of him.

"I don't know why your name is laughing Jack, your no fun." Jack takes hold of my hand again and we start walking.

"different perspective, Flower." in his way, killing makes him laugh.

after a while of walking we show up at my house and i slow my steps as i see my dads car. mom called him. i shake my head and Jack tugs me over to my bedroom window, letting me climb onto his back and climbing up to my window. after he opens it and helps me through, i go to my closet and pull down all my ripped Jeans, Ripped skirts and my sweaters, going under my bed and pulling out a bag and shoving everything inside.

"oh, you should bring this." i turn to Jack and snatch the shirt from him with a blush as he laughs. if i were to put the shirt on, it would show most if my stomach and dips down in the back so you can't see anything and says 'total punk' on the back.

"oh, and this- oh, bra drawer." i hear Jack giggle to himself and push him away from my dresser.

"go get my hair dye out if the bathroom. oh, and my shoes." he sighs and gets up, leaving me in the room. i put everything i need in the bag and sit on my bed, eyeing my drum set in the corner.

"i am not carrying any of that." i sigh and get up, grabbing the sticks and slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"ready?" i look around the room and grab my bag full of hats, nodding. I climb down the side of of the house after Jack and my fingers hit something slimy, my grip becoming no more and me falling.

"whoa, be careful little flower." i hold onto Jack tightly out of fear and close my eyes, sighing. i tried climbing up to my friends window once and the same thing happened. i only stick to fences.

after Jack gets to the ground he sets me down and we walk back to the mansion, it begining to rain.

"nope! nope, nope, nope, nope, fucking nope!" i run into the mansion away from Jack and up to my room, tossing the bag under the bed.

"you know, i could melt in water and you have just left me to die." i turn to a dripping Jack and shrug. "every man for himself." i feel one of my shoes hit my head and toss it back at Jack, hitting his nose and laughing.

"you think that's funny?" i nod and get tackled to the ground, Jack on top of me with a evil smirk.

"i think its funny when you blush." i stop laughing and look at Jack. i hair blushing. it gets on my nerves. you get all hot and take off your sweater then get cold.

"Anything i do makes you blush." "not anything." i frown, feeling something warm and sticky on my chest. i look down at my chest and so does Jack, him gettin up and pulling me with him.

"uh, sit down." i watch Jack run out of the room and come back with a wet wash cloth, new bandage wrap and a dry towel.

"uh...your, um..." i look down at my shirt and pull it off, keeping my head down so i don't have to look at Jack. gosh, this is weird.

"i-i kind of need you to..look up..." i move my hair away from my bleeding chest and watch Jack get on his knees, lightly dabbing my chest while looking at me from time to time.

"this hurt?" i shake my head and Jack grabs the wrap, looking at me and then sighing. "really sorry." he whispers, pressing the wrap on my chest and smoothing it down. i know Jack will walk in on me shirtless, but that's different. he's touching me. thats weird.

"ill have to clean it again before you go to bed." i look at Jack and smile as i see his pale white cheeks a light shade of pink, it getting darker when he notices me starring at him.

"your so cute." i laugh, playing with Jacks hair.

"and your so stubborn." i hug Jack close to me, not caring if his face is right in my chest, and draw small circles on his back with my finger. i feel him snake his long arms around me and pull me closer to the edge of the bed.

"hey guys...." i look at the door way and at Masky, him waving and walking out of the room. Masky is a cool person. unlike hoodie, who won't even talk to me.

"Jack..." i look down at Jack and see his eyes closed and his breathing slow and steady. he fell asleep. i sigh and use all my strength to pull him up, laying him on the bed and sighing as he keeps a tight grip on my wrist. you have got to be kidding me. i yank my hand from Jacks grip and pull my bag out from under my bed, digging through it till i find one of my big shirts, pulling it on.

"your not leaving." i get pulled back onto the bed and sigh, stroking up and down Jacks fingers.


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