The Reminded Past Just to Call Her...

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(Raphael POV)

I paced in my room with the door closed. I couldn't take this... Naomi's gone from my life... AGAIN. I gritted my teeth and sat down, sighing, holding my head in my hands.

Beside me, Spike made a growling sound and I looked at him sideways. He had my T-Phone beside him. I sighed, grabbing it. I turned it on and immediately the home screen showed the old and Lizard Naomi. It hurt me to have it, but I kept it to make sure I would never forget what she looked like.

Even if the one of the few pictures I have of her never have her purposely smiling. My home screen one showed her with her back to me, but her head turned to face me with a slightly shocked expression.

Another one I have is her sleeping. She liked to curl up on her side and hold her tail to make sure I didn't snatch it up in the middle of the night. I smiled softly at the thoughts and pictures.

But I grabbed my T-Phone and scrolled down to "Naomi" and clicked on her number since I knew that she lost her old one after dying... Again, I gritted my teeth and clenched my T-Phone tight.

Donnie had called me from outside in the Shell Raiser saying that it went bad quick.....

"Raph!" I remember him screaming into his T- phone at me. "Get in here!"

I had jumped out of the Shell Raiser and up to the dreaded chapel. When I entered, Julie was shooting Karai in the chest with her arrows and Naomi was fighting Shredder. Donnie was fighting Rahzar....

As soon as I entered, Naomi looked over, me on her blind side, and got distracted. Shredder took his chance and slammed his blades deep in Naomi's gut.

"NAOMI!!" I had cried, already feeling the hurt of tears making their way to my eyes as Naomi's expression went from worry to surprise. She grabbed Shredder's wrist and whimpered softly.

Only vaguely I heard Shredder smirk, "Now you'll die."

Suddenly then, shares of sharp glass broke along the floor as the two dragons dived in, fashionably late as always. Topaz took one look at Naomi falling from Shredder's blade and screeched out, making everyone stop Nd cover their ears.

It was worse for Rahzar because he almost fell to the floor, but he ran into a different room. Julie saw him and followed quickly, growling, "No you don't!"

"Julie!!" Donnie had shouted, chasing after her.

I was still in shock of Naomi and ran up to her as Topaz tackled Shredder down, Shol close behind. Carefully, I picked Naomi up as gently as I could like you would see on a corny love movie.

But it hurts for a loved one. So you just wanna hold them close one more time... One more moment you want to before you know they're gone... I didn't want to loose her... But I did...

I remember holding Naomi close, her skin a little damp from fighting so much, and the blood dripping down her sides and back because the blade went through...

"Naomi....?" I said silently, choking back tears.

Her eyes opened, one clouded from her blindness and the other the clear light blue that I always knew and loved. But they were usually happy and wondrous, tricky and loving. Now they showed pain and lifelessness.

She smiled softly at me. I could tell she had a lot to say, but she just said one phrase I will never forget, "I love you."

It struck me down to the heart, making it shatter and my tears finally broke loose into streaming waterfalls. I forced a weak smile and choked out, "I love you too."

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