The Hideout

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Finding the right manhole cover seemed easy as soon as I went down the tunnels. I climbed the ladder and moved the cover away, peeking out for a precaution. I finally moved it away completely and heaved myself up on the ground, moving the cover back into place.

Standing up, I looked around. The familiar air seemed to welcome me. I was alone in an alley, and I was tired. I wanted my bed. Not the bed the guys offered me while I stayed, my cot. My life...

Walking down the street, I realized I was close to my friend group's hiding place. Smiling inwardly, I turned down the familiar streets and finally came up to the abandoned building. I hoped that this time I wouldn't be stopped by Turtles, mutants, or ninjas.

I opened the door slowly, the hinges not making a sound because our group was smart enough to oil them every other month. It didn't awaken anything or rouse suspicion to call the cops. The oil on the hinges was Julie's idea.

One day, we had entered the building before we even thought about oiling the door. Well, it creaked and Sophie squeaked, jumping. I laughed, because I was the one entering the building. Sophie and Julie were already in it, waiting for me and Cindy.

But, a nearby jogger heard the hinges and the squeak and decided to turn us in. But, we were smart again and as soon as we noticed the cops were coming for us, we fled through the back door. Cindy wasn't there yet, but as soon as she was coming, she was being a good actress and acted like a normal curious New York citizen passing by police cars.

I smiled at the memory and walked in the house, looking around. Dust was starting to pile up on broken shelves and picture frames with broken glass in the corners. Julie or Sophie haven't cleaned in a while...

Cleaning this place made it feel like a home. Our home. We were invincible in this place. Even though we had no electricity, water, or heat or cooling, we managed. Bringing bottled water with some flavoring or juice pouches, snacks, and buying from nearby fast food areas. Blankets and spare clothes we bought ourselves and our parents don't even know we have in case we decided to spend the night.

Over the months, we've brought mattresses, sleeping bags, four cots, and blankets. All we have bought with our money. I was even smart enough to take my dad's unused kerosene lantern. We all loved it because it brought both light and slight heat if we were close enough to it. Julie and I even shared money to buy more fuel for it.

Occasionally, Sophie or Cindy would pitch in even though I would tell them they wouldn't have to. because Julie and I were the older of the two, most protective, and sort of the most knowledgeable of the four. But that's my own opinion. I just don't want Cindy or Sophie to feel like they need to help when I try my best.

But being kidnapped didn't help. I climbed the stairs to the room where we all bunked. Opening the door, I saw the blankets ruffled like someone was here, but not for a while. I came up the lantern stationed in the middle and touched the top cautiously. Cold.

I sighed and sat down on a bed. It might've been low, but I was low enough to let myself get kidnapped and stay at the place for God knows how long...

I turned the lantern on and let my mind wander. The good times us girls had. The bond. I feel like it's shattering from disappearance, school, and life. Julie was going to college soon, being the oldest. And Cindy was in a different school from Sophie and I. I saw Sophie and Julie every day, but it wasn't the same knowing that things are tearing us.

Something inside my pocket went of and buzzed, making me jump. I reached in my pocket and pulled out the T-Phone Donnie made. Leo was calling. Not Raph or Donnie. Leo... Why Leo? I thought about picking it up, but instead, I turned the T-Phone off. I was going to throw that away when I got the chance. But, I needed a phone until I could get another one... Great...

I leaned back far enough to let myself lay on my back. I splayed my arms out and sighed, staring at the ceiling. A place for a light bulb was positioned in the middle of the ceiling, but we've tried for months to try and get the electricity working, so we always took the light bulbs back to our houses.

It made me start to wonder if Donnie could make the light work... No! I rolled over on my side, curling up a little like I would when I was about to sleep. I don't want to think about them! They think I'm someone I'm not... I hate it when people think that I am someone they knew.

But, I have the patience of the world... I wouldn't complain much... Unless you got on my bad side like Raph did... Gah! I gotta stop this! I bonked my forehead, gritting my teeth.

"Don't do this to yourself, Naomi..." I sighed to myself, relaxing. Since I could listen to everyone in my family and friends vent to me, I kinda got in the habit of venting to myself... It somehow worked because I always seemed to calm down.

Perhaps I should meditate like Leo does...? Would that help? I hissed and rolled on my stomach, grabbing a small blanket and balling it up, shoving it under my chin to make it act like a pillow. I growled at myself, wanting to make this stop..!

My mind finally fell on the last Turtle though, as if to piss me off for the fun of it. Mikey's blue eyes beamed. It made me wonder why Mikey was last and not Raph like some cliché movie. The one you were closer to was always saved for last, like an impact moment.

I barely knew Mikey except that he reminded me of Cindy. But I knew she wouldn't like him... As far as I knew... I dug my face in the pillow and finally drifted off to sleep.

Raphael, You Made Me Cry.... (Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ