Forever Dead ::21:: Face to Face

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So sorry for the horrible delay. I ahd emergency eye surgery a few weeks ago and it was hard for me to stare at a computer screen for too long. I tried to write a little bit every day and this is what I have. I love you guys and thank you for your support. I don't want to let you down. I should be fully recovered by next week. I'm sorry for the wait!!!

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“Ah dear sister, you always show up at the right time.” Quinn said. I rolled my eyes and made to move passed Elphina.

“Leaving so soon? Why not make a party of it? Nicholai would be glad to come, I’m sure.” She smirked.

“I’m sure he would. But since you’re here, he probably wouldn’t want to be.” I snapped back. Her eyes turned black instantly and she growled.

“Now don’t go and get yourself beheaded sis.” Quinn pulled hr back slightly.

“You think you’ll be chosen? With the way all of you are dropping like flies, I’m sure your time will come.” Elphina retorted.

“And you would know, wouldn’t you?” I asked, narrowing my eyes. Was she my sister, pretending to be Elphina?

“Believe me, if I were the one killing everyone I would take credit for it.” She snapped.

“But that would defeat the purpose, wouldn’t it?” I countered.

“Alright ladies, before either one of you says something you regret, move along.” Quinn laughed. I nodded my head and turned back the way I came. I didn’t have time to worry about Elphina.

I crossed my arms as I walked back down to my room and thought about what Quinn had said. Everything was just extremely confusing and getting jumbled in my head. But I had no one to talk about it with.

“Lucia.” I whispered. I needed to talk to her about it. She was the person I least suspected to be guilty. I found her back in the kitchen, putting away the last of the dishes.

“Audrina? Did you find the answers you were looking for?” she asked as I sat down on a stool.

“Yes and no. Lucia, I need to talk to someone about this. I really do, and you’re the only one I trust.” I said, resting my chin on my arms.

“You can tell me anything. I’ll do my best to help you Audrina.” She said sitting across from me.

“Okay. So, lets start from the beginning.” I cracked my knuckles, getting ready to tell the story.

“So first off, Quinn knows my mother because they made a deal. She knew she was going to die and so in exchange for his protection over my sister and I, she would give him some of the family magic. I guess all witches have a locket that stores their family magic in it. But for some reason Nicholai had it. My mother was Simone, the witch who captured Nicholai and tortured him when he was a child.”

“That makes sense. Witches are immortal too.” Lucia said. I noted that and continued with the story.

“So, My mom was pregnant with me and my sister. On Halloween she gave birth to my twin here, and then traveled to Vivens and gave birth to me, where she as murdered by my adoptive father. I also found out that the reason why my father went crazy and became a serial killer was because he tasted her blood. A witches blood can make a man mad.” I felt a few tears swell in my eyes, but I pushed them away and continued with the analysis.

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