Forever Dead ::2:: Panda Express and Vampires

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I walked into the cool air-conditioned living room and made my way to the kitchen.

“Hey Turd.”

“Shut up Charlie.” I walked towards the fridge, dying for an ice pop.

“So, how was school?” I licked the cherry red ice pop and sat in the living room, flicking on nickelodeon.

“Same as usual. How was being an unemployed loser still living at home?” I stole a glance at my brother, smirking.

“Ouch. That really hurt. You know I’ve been looking for work.” He jumped next to me, throwing an arm around me.

“Mhm, World of Warcraft doesn’t count as job searching bro.”

“Well, that doesn’t matter anyway. You know what Sunday is…who knows, maybe some hot vampire chick will pick me.” My eyes widened.

“Charlie, you aren’t really going to go out Sunday are you?” He saw the worry in my eyes.

“Don’t worry kid, I doubt I’ll get picked anyway. I’m not really Abercrombie fit.” He patted his stomach and I laughed. Yeah, he didn’t have a six pack, but you never know…

“Just, promise me you’ll stay inside. Mom would flip out if you ever left.”

“Oh, but I thought I was such a slacker and I needed to get out of here huh?” he ruffled my hair and I scowled.

“Thanks.” I muttered, running upstairs to brush out the knots. I looked in the mirror, assessing myself.

“Why does Mandy hate me so much?” I whispered. I was a good person, at least I hoped so. I switched into a pair of cotton pajama bottoms and a tank, sweeping my blonde hair into a bun.

My laptop was fully charged so I brought it with me downstairs and web surfed until I heard the doorbell ring.

“Hey! So I have Young Frankenstein, Dracula and Gone with the Wind.” Macy made her way in, sitting down next to me on the big sofa.

“Oh, perfect. I love me some Gene Wilder.” I laughed, getting up to make the popcorn. Charlie came downstairs, muttered something about girls and left, probably to go hang out with his friends.

“So, when do you think your brother will move out?” Macy popped in the first DVD.

“Probably never. He is so smart, but so dumb at the same time. He was talking about going out Sunday night so he’ll get chosen as a Potential.” I took a bite of the buttery popcorn and smiled.

“Well, what if he did?” Macy sat next me, getting under the throw blanket.

“My mom would be devastated, as in, never leave the bedroom and cry every day kind.”


“I mean, she would with me too. Your mom would be the same way if you left.”

“Okay, lets stop talking about this stupid thing.” Macy muttered, eating the popcorn. I frowned, wondering why Macy was getting snappy. She was the same way when we talked about Sunday earlier. No….way. She wasn’t thinking of going was she? I felt my heart skip a beat. If something ever happened to Macy I don’t know what I would do.

Ever since third grade we’ve been inseparable. I remember meeting a little brunette girl with glasses and pigtails. She didn’t have any lunch money with her, so I split my peanut butter and banana sandwich. At the time, no one wanted to be friends with her and I didn’t want to be friends with anyone else, we worked out perfectly.

I couldn’t imagine life without Macy. I am not introverted at all, on the contrary I am a very social person…just not to the people I go to school with. They all have this preconceived notion that I am a loser. Wonder where they learned that from….stupid Mandy. I would sit alone at lunch, I would probably never have another movie night again, I wouldn’t blow giant bubblegum bubbles in the mall with my best friend. I would be alone…

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