Chapter 1 ~ A perfect family.....NOT!

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Hey new story! i hope you like it.

love JayJayx


     Distorted glass

 Chapter 1

                I could hear it as soon as I walked through the door. They were fighting. Again. I sighed softly as I tried to close the front door as quietly as possible, so as not to be heard.

       “…Just go back to your fucking mistress. Let the slut spread her legs for you!”

           “You’re an ungrateful whore! Who do you think keeps this fucking roof over your god-damned head?”

      “I don’t need you. I deserve better than you!”

                     I could hear clattering and smashing now and I silently wondered what they were arguing about this time. I soundlessly climbed the stairs to my room. I wished with all my heart that I could call this my safe haven. But if I were to speak those words I would, without a doubt, be lying. I looked around the huge room; cream walls with expensive paintings covering them, a large soft bed laden in pillows, a desk where my laptop sat, an enormous TV with DVD player, Wii, PlayStation 3, Xbox and an array of DVD’s and games. To anyone else this would be a dream come true. But not to me. To me this was a reminder of my life, my fake life. The image that everyone saw.

                       We were the perfect family. My father was a highly respected lawyer and my mother was a famous fashion designer. Then there was Clayton, who at 20 was studying at university to become a doctor. Next were Daniel and Claire, the twins at almost 18 and both studying psychology and law at college. Then lastly there is me, the perfect 16 year old daughter. My grades were never bellow an A and I was always polite to my teachers, never in trouble at school.

                         If anyone saw us this is what they would see. Our perfect family. I didn’t know if the idea made me want to laugh or vomit. Because, you see, our family was far from it; as in on the other side of the world, far.

                        My parents could barely stand to be in the same room as each other and when they were all they did was yells, swear and throw things at each other. Well, unless we were in public and then they became the hottest, most in love couple imaginable. Then there was my mother’s drinking. My parents would fight, my father would storm out to his mistress 9who was only just older than me!) and in turn my mother would turn to the nearest bottle of alcohol.

                         As if mirroring my thoughts I heard the front door slam shut and the engine of my father’s car roar from outside. I listened to more clattering in the kitchen downstairs. Not even 5 minutes later I heard the furious steps of someone ascending the stairs.

                        This wasn’t going to be good.

                          The sound was deafening as my door collided with wall behind it. My mother stood in the open doorway, her face twisted with fury and, as expected, a bottle of vodka in her hand. She stalked towards me and I didn’t try to back away, it would only make her angrier. Her hand made contact with my cheek and as I fell to the floor I masked my emotions so not to show the pain I was in.

               “This is all your fault, you fucking bitch! Everything was fine until you came along. You ruined everything. I hate you! I wish I’d never had you.” She screamed in my face, spit flying from her mouth.

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