Chapter 22- A Night t̶o̶- (I Don't) Remember

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A/N- I'M NOT DEAD! HEYYYYYYYY ADORABUBBLES! Thanks for the 5k reads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In unrelated news, I curled my hair with a curling wand! Despite the fact that I now have a painful burn on my pinky knuckle, I have pretty hair!

I know this chapter might seem snoozy at first, but stick wit' meh. You need to read it.

Anyway, let's get Phil-sycle!

(Ewww, Angie.)

(PS- I just watched Shake it Up, which I'd never watched before, and realized that Leo Howard was on there and he was portraying a Logan! HOW COINCIDENTAL! I didn't even mean for that! I was just eating at Logan's Roadhouse when the name struck me brain.)


So, you know how in the morning you wake up to bacon and eggs then trot off to school? Well, here's how my morning went-

Tasha and Dad said we didn't have to go to school today for no reason at all. I just didn't get it, until I went upstairs. That's where I saw a girl sitting on our couch. I didn't know her. I poured some cereal. Tasha was nailing up a "DOOLEY FAMILY REUNION" banner. I peeled a banana. Dad was icing a giant cake. I trotted to the couch, and took a seat. Leo was hyperventilating. I shoved him out of the way. You see, when you live in the house of a mad scientist, you tend the embrace the abnormalities of life. Bree walked in.

"Hey." She chirped, before lilting a morning song and flying away on her wings.

Yeah-huh. I went there.

"Hi Bree." I said, devouring my yogurt. Oh, you didn't hear me say anything about grabbing a yogurt? Well, then pay closer attention!*

*i grabbed a yogurt

The boys walked in. "Hey guys." Chase said. "Eden, why are you eating the mango yogurt? It's repulsive!"

I think that's around the time I snapped.

"EXCUSE ME MR. SOMBREROHEAD, BUT I HAPPEN TO THINK THAT THAT IS A BIT OF AN UNDESTATEMENT COMPARED TO THE HOUSE WE ARE TRAPPED IN. Who are you, what are you two doing, and why are you hyperventilating?" I asked.

"All right, guys." Tasha said. "When my mother heard about the baby, she decided we should all get together and have a family reunion. Basically, she, my sister, and her daughter, Eileen, are gonna do nothing for 3 hours then go home. Oh, this is Eileen." She said, pointing to the girl on the couch.

"Hiiii Eileen."

"We're gonna make her feel welcome, right?" Dad asked.


"So, I'm icing this cake for the reunion so they'll have something to lob at each other when words fail, and Leo is hypervantilating because-"

"A room... full... of female... relatives... and a pregnant one..." Leo spat. "I-i-it can't be."

"That's why you're so twitchish?" I asked.

"How would you like it if you had a strange, abnormal family on your tail 24/7?" Leo asked.

"About as much as we do now." Adam shrugged. The doorbell rang. Was that her family?

"They're here!" Tasha panicked. "But it's so early!" Looks like it. "I-it can't be them, I still have to dust and sweep and mop and-"

"I'll get it." Bree interrupted. She opened the door, and we were met by a pretty brunette girl. Is that Tasha's sister? She looks awfully young.

"Hey Dori!" Bree said, hugging the girl. Oh, so not a relative! Tasha groaned in relief. How does a relieved groan even work? Eh, looks like Bree finally has another friend!

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