Five: Farmer Refuted

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I trudged into the cafeteria only to be met by John and Laf standing on a chair over a dude.

They were obviously arguing.

I stepped forward to help, but was pushed back by a big arm.

"Woah. I wouldn't get near that if I was you, Ham."

Herc put an arm over my torso.

I looked up at the taller boy.

"Why are they fighting?"

He sighs deeply.

"Because Seabury over there doesn't like us. He doesn't like what we stand for."

I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Ya know, the rainbow flag?"

I nod.

Herc may be able to hold me back physically, but he can't control my voice.

"You said his name is Seabury?"

Herc nods.

Before he can do anything, I whistle loudly.

"Hey Seabury!"

The entire lunch area turns their heads to face me.

Dammit. Did not think this through.

Panic starts to creep in, but I push it away.

John's eyes widen in alarm.

He mouths the word, "No"

The boy marches over to me.

He glares at Herc.

"Move your arm."

Herc moves away. I chuckle at the fact that this little dude can make a big guy like Herc move.

"You got a problem little guy?"

I nod.

"Yes. I want to know what gives you the right to argue with my friends."

He laughs.

The rest of the cafeteria laughs with him.

I notice Aaron in a corner, shaking his head.

"They're your friends?"

I nod.

He grips the collar of my shirt.

"Listen little man. Just cause you're crashing with the Washingtons and shit doesn't mean you can act like em."

I roll my eyes.

"Don't be so barbaric. I'm simply saying that you need to calm down a bit. Shut up, go home, and fix yourself."

The crowd mutters to themselves.

He glances around.

"Eat shit, Seabury!"

John calls to him.

The boy lets my collar go and stomps out.

John jumps off his table and runs over to us.

"Wow dude. That was so cool."

I take a bow.

"All in a days work for Alexander Hamilton."

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