One: Aaron Burr (sir)

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Burrs perspective:

I felt a slight tapping on my shoulder. "Pardon me," a small voice said. I spun on my heels to see a small man standing in front of me.

I closed my locker door. The boy fidgeted with his schedule. "Are you Aaron Burr?"

His dark hair was pulled into a ponytail and he had a small bag on his back.

"That depends."

I began shifting my own bag onto my shoulder. "Who's asking?" His eyes widened.

"Oh sure! Yes. I'm Alexander Hamilton." He said. "The principal told me you would show me around."

He held his schedule out to me. "Oh you have Mr. Washington for homeroom! I do too. I'll show you how to get there."

I smiled. Smile more. I giggled at my mothers words. He smiled back at me.

"Thanks!" We began walking

We had taken about three steps when a large crash startled us both.

Alexander spun around to see what it was. I also turned around to see three morons bounding down the hall knocking over trash cans in the process.

"What time is it?!" The first freckle faced moron called. His friends echoed a response. "Showtime!"

People at their lockers rolled their eyes and leaned against the wall to keep out of the boys' path of destruction.

I leaned over to Alexander. "These are the people you do not want to be aquatinted with." The shorter boy looked over at me with a confused face.

"They seem kind of fun." He stared at the freckle faced one. I raised an eyebrow. "Let's get going." I said turning him around and walking to class.

I saw his head turn back around as more trash cans fell. This kid is going to get himself in trouble. I held my hands close to my chest. This outta be interesting.

The World was Wide Enough (Hamilton high school AU)Where stories live. Discover now