The beginning

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Abby Woods is in the 8th grade and it is half way through the year when things start to change. At lunch Abby is talking to her friends and says "I can't believe only a few more months and we become freshman at Ridge View Middle School". "I know right it is so exciting knowing we will be the kings of the school, and everyone will look up to us" said Ariel. Abby continued to talk to her friends and then the bell rang to go to 5th period.

During fifth period two kids named Lance and Mandy decided to take a photo of Abby and put it on their Instagram. Abby did not appreciate  this so she asked them nicely to delete, but they didn't and instead posted it and was bullying her. Abby then got on her Instagram and saw the post, and started crying in the middle of class. After class Abby walked into her counselors office and showed him what Lance and Mandy did. Mr. Higgins told her he would talk to them and that she needs to not let this get to her.

After school that day Abby was crying and all of her friends started to ask her questions, and instead of answering their questions she went home and talked to her mom about it. Her friends were asking her "if she was OK? What happened? Who did this"? She didn't respond to them because she knew they wouldn't understand it.

"Mom today was really rough and you will need to come with me tomorrow morning to Mr. Lancaster's office". "Why sweet heart"?  Then Abby continued to talk to her mom and then her mom got very furious and mad with these kids; because she needed to go to work, but now she can't; because she has to go into the office.

The next day Abby helped Jack and Henrietta her little brother and sister get ready for school. Then when they were ready she got ready for school; because they now had to leave early. When her Mom Susan got back she took Abby and her older brother Sam to school. When they walked into the building Mr. Lancaster asked Susan Abby's mom "How she is doing"? She responded "I am doing pretty good, but can I talk to you about something that I am concerned about now"? "Yes I can meet with you" said Mr. Lancaster.

Mr. Lancaster then took Susan and Abby Woods into his office and they talked. Then Abby pulled out her phone and showed him what they were doing and told him "This is still going on; because they keep sending me messages, and they hurt my feelings". "Thank you for letting me know they will be getting in trouble and we will be searching and taking their phones. If they come back and blame you for any of this let me know and they will be in trouble again.

So, when Abby went to first period all of her friends asked her "what is wrong"? She then explained to them what happened, and they told her "if you need help with any of this let us know".

The bully next doorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें