A Demon and a Sword

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            I lost my memories because I died. I lost who I was. I was brought back to life by a sword, the sword wielded by a man, by him. I had tried sleeping, but there was no possible way. Every time I closed my eyes I felt myself die in all sorts of unimaginable ways, and some weren’t even realistic. I couldn’t help but wonder if one of them were real. I watched Rin as she stirred in her sleep, rolling over toward the fire. Slightly my eyes moved up toward Jaken, and I found that his light snoring was unamusing.

            I shifted my eyes toward the other side of the fire. Sesshomaru lay still with his back against a tree. His eyes were closed, though that was the only change in his face from the day. His mouth was slightly pointed down, and he seemed a little more peaceful. He was stunning. He was breathing slowly, and I couldn’t tell if he was sleeping or just resting his eyes. I felt tired, so I knew we slept, but he was like a statue.

            I pulled my hand up and looked at it. My nails were long and sharp, and my skin was flawless. There was no sign at all that I had died, and I felt fine. I remembered back to my dream, though it must’ve been reality. I had felt sick, like I was dying. I brought my hand to my chest as I remembered my heart beat so fatally slow. I had seen Sesshomaru stand in front of me, sheathing his sword. It was true; I had died, but how? Why did I lose my memories? I had to wonder if any of them knew what happened, or if they had simple came across me by chance.

            I stood up, my demon feet able to walk across the ground without the smallest sound. I walked through the woods, staring up at the trees and looking for a sky with the moon of Sesshomaru’s head. I watched the stars twinkle as I walked, my tail trailing behind me, hitting a lose stick every now and then. My ears twitched, listening to the forest, but it was sleeping. I was far enough away to where I didn’t see the glow of the fire anymore and leaned against a tree.

            I leaned my head back and stared at the sky, praying to the moon that it would give me some hint of what was going on, like the night I had died, it had told me before I became unconscious that my name was Yuzuki. It has not spoken to me since. I squeezed my eyes shut, begging my brain to tell me anything. I just wanted to remember. What if I had family out there…

            My ears twitched, and I had thought I heard something when suddenly a figure was emerging from the darkness. I saw his white hair, his marking on his face, and his long fur wrap that was slung over his shoulder. “I…I’m sorry Sesshomaru…if I woke you.” I said, my voice shaking even though I had tried to cover my sadness. He looked at me, his face quiet and his eyes shining in even the smallest moonlight.

            “Feeling guilty for yourself will not help your situation.” He said simply, and I opened my mouth and then closed it again. I didn’t want to sound stupid, because I didn’t know what to tell him. I couldn’t help how I felt. His fur pelt swayed in the wind, and his boots blending with the darkness. His sharp nose probably had smelled where I was, and there was no doubt that he didn’t hear me. “I didn’t see what happened to you. All I can tell you is that I caught the scent of dog demon blood and followed it. I found you with tears in your clothes, blood all over your body, and as you died I healed you.” He explained, and it did not make me feel any better.

            “Thank you,” I replied as full heartedly as I could. He had saved my life after all. “I don’t know how I can ever repay the debt I have to you.” I added sadly and stared at the ground. I could tell that his jaw tensed and his eyes grew hard. Was he getting angry with me? Without another word he turned around and started heading back toward the camp, and I followed him silently. What else was I supposed to do? He was the only one that even knew at least a portion of who I was even if it was the dead portion.

Lord Sesshomaru and the Inu Demon GirlWhere stories live. Discover now