Chapter 37 Adam

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When I walked down stairs all I could think was there was meant to be another week! I was meant to be able to read books and and and

Levine pull it together! All you have to do is keep Lana calm, the midwife will do the rest.

I take over hand holding dutys from Ragan.

"Hey baby, how you doing? How far apart are the contractions?" I smoothed away her damp hair and kissed her forehead

"Good now your here, coming faster than we expected 8 mins apart, our little girls ready to come. Can you grab my phone and ring mum babe? I know it's early but she would want to know."

I dialled the number "Hello?" "Hey Mum it's Adam"... "No everything's fine, but Lanas in labour we are leaving for the hospital in a minute." "Yes she's fine, here ill put her on"

I held up the phone to her ear and panting mouth

"Hey mum I'm good, Jesse and Ragan are here too. Can you let Dad, Leigh, Michael, Bryce and Nana know?" "Yip he'"ll call you after, I have to go. Love You xo"

I put my phone in my pocket pausing for a moment to take a breathe, I still can't believe it's happening

"Babe? can you slip my shoes on?"

"Oh yeah sorry, you doing ok?" I helped her up and pulled her in close to me

"Yeah I'm ok, hurts like a mother fucker and I would be better if this one had come as planned when my family were here but I've got you my gawjus, mother fucker Jesus Christ!"

"How long have you been having contractions babe?"

"Umm most of the night I think but getting closer for last hour and my water broke umm, 20 minutes ago now."

"Lana really?! Why didn't you tell me?? We should have been at the hospital half an hour ago. Your far to stubborn for your own good but I love you my crazy woman"

"We still could have hours babe, but if you keep me here talking I'm going to have her on the rug"

Oh shit, I helped her to and in the car and we went to the hospital with Ragan and Jesse.

"I know we planned for my family to be in the room but seeming there's no way they will make it in time how do you feel about Ragan and Jesse being there, cause there's no way I'm squeezing the hell out of your magic hands" she smilied that smile that could get me to do anything

"Whatever you want your the boss, want me to ask Ragan?"

"Yes please once we get settled can you?"

Apart from the cursing during contractions Lana was doing well, even better once she had gas and air.

I went in search of Ragan and found her talking to the nurse at the desk.

"Hey Rags, how you doing?"

"Hey dad I should be asking you that! But we are good just wanted to know how Lana was doing?"

"She's good settled in and progressing, but she wants to know seeming that her family can't be here and you and Jess are her LA family if you will be there with us?" Ragan hugged me tight

"Oh Adam, I'd be honoured! Ill have to check with Jesse but its a defiant from me. Ill go check and be in there soon"

"As always she is doing this fast so hurry" she started to walk away "And Ragan, thank you" she turned smiled before scuttling of to get Jesse.

I walked back in the room to find the doctor doing an exam and Laba sucking away on the gas.

"Suck on that too hard and ill get jealous" I leaned down and kissed her forehead

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2014 ⏰

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