Chapter 7

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I was kissing him...hard, sucking the life out of him. I wanted to erase Soyoung out of his mind, heart and soul. I didn't want him to remember want her. To my surprise he slowly responded to my kiss. I froze. My eyes immediately flew to his face to see whether he has regain consciousness. Nope his eyes were still closed. Relief settled over me and I continue to proceed with my stolen kiss.

I licked his lower lip coaxing him to open his mouth. He obediently obliged and I slipped my tongue inside. A small moan escaped from him as I conquered his mouth. His mouth was so warm and soft. And even though it reeked of alcohol it still tasted sweet nonetheless simply because he was my Hoonie.

I could feel his heart beat picking up along with mine. My mind was warning me to stop before I wake him but my heart was intent on splurging. As I said before the heart is much stronger than the mind when love is concerned. I pushed all my doubts, fears and reservations out of the way and concentrated on tasting him.

As unwilling as I was to break the kiss I had to for the need for oxygen was desperate. He whimpered in protest when I released his mouth. I couldn't stop myself as I moved my lips to his neck. My hands unbuttoned his shirt revealing his perfectly smooth chest. I was straddling his hips as I let my tongue travel to his naked chest.

I stole one nipple with my mouth, gently sucking on it. He gasped when I lightly tugged it with my teeth. I moved on to claim the other nipple as my hands traveled to more southern regions. I gave the other nipple the same treatment while I was ridding him of his remaining clothes.

Getting off him and now sitting on the side I unbuckled his belt. I slipped his jeans off and reunited them with his other clothes on the floor. My hand was trembling as I brought it to his waist. My hand rested on his boxer rims as I momentarily hesitated. My mind debated the morality of my actions and my actions to come. But frankly, I could care less about morals at that moment. With one swift motion I ripped the boxers off and joined them with the other clothes.

I couldn't help smiling at the sight of his penis it was so...pretty. Ok so my judgment is a little clouded but can you blame me? Everything else about him is pretty why can't his penis be pretty also?

I spread his legs apart and sat between his legs. I leaned down and ran my tongue down his penis. It immediately hardened in response to my touch. I took as much of his penis as I could in my mouth and did a little tornado action with my tongue. He was emitting all sorts of delicious sounds as I started to suck.

I sucked harder and he instinctively raised his hips and started thrusting against my mouth. I clutched onto is tiny waist to steady him. We continued this for a while as he moaned in sheer pain and pleasure. It wasn't long before he reached orgasm. His body tensed and shook as he came in my mouth. I swallowed it, every last drop of his sweet bodily fluid.

I sat up and stared at the naked Sunghoon before me whose breathing was slowly calming down as he drifted into deeper slumber. I laid one last gentle kiss on his pretty penis before I put his boxers back on. I lay down next to him and just stared at his beautiful sleeping face. I couldn't help myself as I pull him close to me. I just wanted to hold him...just for a little while. He gave a little whimper and snuggled up to me while his legs locked me in possessively.

I looked down onto my Hoonie who has his face buried in my chest and saw a small smile hanging on his lips. I wondered what he was dreaming about as I held him tightly. Suddenly I felt hot stinging tears gathering in my eyes. I wasn't sure why I was crying perhaps because I knew this was probably the closest I will ever get to him. I let my tears flow freely soaking the pillow. I knew I had to let him go soon but for now...just that moment he was mine.


It's been a week since that infamous night. The next morning he didn't remember anything about the night before except the fact that Soyoung dumped him. I was both relieved and disappointed at the same time. Part of me is afraid of losing him if and when he finds out and part of me just wants to get it out in the open. As confused as I am about what I should do I know that the time for any kind of action is not now. I didn't want to take advantage of him when he is vulnerable. I want him to be with me because he loves me and not because I am some sort of lifesaver that he can cling to.

I looked worriedly over to the other couch where he was sitting. Still sporting nothing more but a pair of boxers. He was licking a wad of peanut butter on a spoon. He always does this when something bothers him. Its not a good sign when he does this. It's his way of shutting everyone out including me.

I expected him to cry or at least talk about the break up with me but he didn't. In the last week he has done nothing except sit around and lick peanut butter. He is half way through his second jar already. It hurts to see him like this because he is showing me how much she meant to him. Otherwise why is he so troubled if she didn't hold such a high position in his life?

"Hoonie ah I'm going out for awhile do you want me to pick anything up?" I needed to get away seeing him like this is too painful. He didn't even look at me as he shook his head. Sighing heavily I left. He probably didn't even notice.

I didn't even know where I was going as I started walking. Somehow I ended in a park. Tired from my trek I sat on one of the benches and watched the happy couples that walked by. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I noticed was that it's completely dark out. My watch told me its 6pm. I slowly headed home.

I was not prepared for the sight that greeted me when I got home. The Sunghoon that stood before me was not the same Sunghoon I had left a few hours ago. I blinked stupidly at the foreign Sunghoon who was smiling cutely at me. He was wearing an apron on top of his boxers, his hair was a mess and he was sweating profusely.

"I made dinner," he announced proudly. "But it's a little well done..." he added sheepishly.

I turned my attention to where he was gesturing and my eyes landed on the way overcooked steak. How bad was it? Let me put it this way; I didn't even know it was steak until he told me. I couldn't help smiling at him when he looked at me with his apologetic eyes. He is just too adorable.

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