Chapter 1

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They've been together for three months now, the most agonizing three months of my life. I was really uncomfortable around them so I avoided them. Not that they...he noticed. You know what really bugs me though? It's the fact that I can't do anything about the whole situation. Normally I would just use violence to solve the problem but she is a girl. What kind of lowlife beats on a girl?! But I can't just sit here and do nothing! I've done nothing but that for the last three months and I am miserable! 'Hmmmm... what to do, what to do...'

I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I turn around to see his beautiful brown eyes looking at me. There was something in his eyes though. I could see that something was bothering him.



"Hello? Is anybody home?" knocking on my head.

I finally snapped out of my trance. "Owww that hurts!" rubbing my head in mock pain. He flashed me an adorable smile. I felt my heart skip a beat.

"What do you want?" His smile quickly disappeared and that troubled look returned. "Is something wrong Hoonie?" I asked gently. His eyes widened as if he was surprised.

"No, no nothing's wrong. I was about to ask you the same question hyung. Is everything ok? I haven't seen you in a while."

"What are you talking about? You see me in school everyday," I answered nonchalantly.

"You know what I mean. We don't hang out anymore." Then quietly he added, " I miss you."

Oh my God... Is he actually worried about me? So he did notice! I felt my heart give a little tug. 'He noticed, he noticed...', I happily chanted in my head. I decided to give him a little payback for making the last three months a living hell for me.

"Sunghoon... I have something to tell you", I said quietly in a very serious tone.

"What is it hyung?" he asked in a concerned voice in response to my seriousness.

"I'm dying."

"WHAT?!" His eyes were bulging.

"I'm dying."

He grabbed my hands. "What do you mean you're dying? What is wrong with you? Tell me hyung!" His eyes implored into my eyes... anticipating.

He has such beautiful eyes. I looked away from those hypnotic eyes and looked down at his hands holding mine, tightly. 'So close yet so far away.'

"Hyung." His voice was shaky. I snapped back to his face and saw tears brimming in his eyes.

My heart was beaming. He's crying for me again. I couldn't help but smile. His face went from sorrow to confused. When my smile only broadens his expression changed to shock and finally realization. He let go of my hands well more like threw them.



"Stop laughing you jerk!"

"Hahaha...... I'm sorry Sunghoon......I couldn't resist. You're too gullible." He shot me a dirty glare but I can see that he has calmed down a little.

"Well? You still haven't answered my question!"

Suddenly it's not that funny anymore. "I've been busy that's all," I lied. I can tell by his face that I didn't do that great a job at it.

"Busy with what?"

"Uh...Jiyong... he needs help in English class so I'm tutoring him", I blurted.

"I didn't know Jiyong needed help with English..."

"Oh he does," nodding my head eagerly.

"I wonder why he didn't ask me for help. After all my English is better than yours," he stated matter-of-factly.

"No way my English is waaaaay better than yours. Besides aren't you too busy with Soyoung anyways?" He blushed. I wanted to die. I guess he didn't notice the sarcasm when I said that.


It's her. I'd know that voice anywhere. She eagerly placed herself right between Hoonie and me. She gave him a kiss and clamped onto her usual place on his arm. I suddenly wanted to puke.

"Hi Jiwon."

"Hello Soyoung."

"Jiwon are you done with my Sunghoonie yet. I would like to have him back to catch the 8 o' clock movie."

"Uhh...yeah sure... I was about to leave anyway. I promised my mom that I'd be home for dinner tonight," I mumbled.

"Oh great. Well have fun I know we will. Bye."

With that she proceeded to drag my Hoonie away from me. "Uh...bye hyung. Give me a call when you have time," he hurriedly blurted out before he allowed himself to be hauled away.

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