Chapter 2

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"Yes!!! I am the master!" Jiyong triumphantly exclaimed while running around waving his arms and shaking his butt. It's his little victory dance. He does it whenever he beats me at a video game. Usually I don't have that many chances of seeing the victory dance but today, I've seen it five times already. I just sat there looking at him, completely detached. When he saw that I was not paying any attention to him he stopped.

"Man! You have to take the fun away from my victory don't you?" He accused.

"Like you could beat me. If my mind weren't ......"

"Weren't dreaming about Sunghoon!" He interjected.

I glared at him. Remember I said Jiyong was still around? Well here he is. We've become good friends actually...well after it became clear that he has no intentions towards Hoonie. Jiyong is the only other soul who knows my feelings for Hoonie. But I have to tell you this guy has like the biggest mouth in the world. I had to threaten him to keep him from telling Hoonie. With what? I threatened to tell every little embarrassing thing he ever did to his girlfriend.

"I don't get you hyung. I mean with your looks you can get any girl you want but no. Instead you choose to sit around and secretly drool over Sunghoon."

"I don't drool." I warned.

"Uh huh." He rolled his eyes. "Then again I can see why you do," he said mockingly. "I mean how can anyone resist those big round eyes or his luscious lips? I bet his lips are soft and sweet. Mmm...mmmm..." He licked his lips. I glared at him dangerously but he chose to ignore me and continue his mocking.

"Oh Hoonie you're so beautiful. I love you so much. And you're so sexy I just want to rip your clothes off and fuck you into a wall." He gushed in a high-pitched voice.

"Stop it." I ordered and lunging at him. But he anticipated my move so he easily escaped.

"Why don't you make me?!" He challenged with a smirk plastered on his face.

Jiyong is a good friend to have but sometimes he can be one cocky son of a bitch. This was one of those times. At times like those there is only one way to win, fight dirty.

"Ok...if you don't shut up I will gladly inform Soyun the time you had to walk home from school in your Superman undies." I knew I won once I saw the horrified expression on his face, which he quickly recovered. He opened his mouth as if he was about to come back with some snide remark but decided against it and closed it. 'Works every time.' The way to beat him is to threaten his 'manhood' in front of his girlfriend. Haven't failed me yet.

We started another round of the game in silence. I lost again. I expected him to do this victory dance again but he didn't. He just sat there looking at me contemplatively. Finally I turned and faced him.

"Seriously hyung, you can't go on like this. You have to decide either to tell him or get over him."

I didn't answer him but I knew he was right. Didn't I say he was a good friend?

"I need time to think." I said while getting up. "Thanks Jiyong." I said as I was making my way to the door.

"Anytime hyung." I left.

I didn't feel like going home yet, so I walked around aimlessly. "You have to decide either to tell him or get over him." Jiyong's words repeated itself over and over in my head. 'What should I do?' Deep down I already knew the answer to my own question. I have to get over him.

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