Chapter 5

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I stirred the eggs in the pan restlessly. Life in the last week has not been easy. I tried to move on and forget him but it's a bit difficult when there is this beautiful creature slinking around you. Kinda hard to put him out of my mind when I see him day in and day out.

"Good morning hyung," he yawned sleepily. "What's for breakfast?" he inquired. I didn't dare look at him but I heard him as he went over to the fridge and reached for the juice.

Did I forget to mention that he likes to romp around in nothing but a pair of boxers? Well he does! To think that there is only a single thin layer of cloth separating me from a naked Sunghoon is absolute...torture.

"Scramble eggs and bacon," I answered. He nodded his head and started gulping down his glass of OJ. I couldn't help myself as I sneaked a glance at him. He was wearing a pair of orange boxers, a shade of sunset orange. I quickly snatched my eyes away from him. The last thing I need is to have an erection while scrambling eggs.

I placed his breakfast in front of him and he immediately starts stuffing himself. It's amazing how skinny he is considering the amount of food he consumes. I sat there picking my food and watching him eat. After a while he finally realizes that I was staring at him.

"Why aren't you eating hyung?" He is holding a slice of bacon in his right hand. He takes a bite and starts chewing, eyes fixed on me.

"I'm not very hungry" I lied.

"What's the matter? You feeling ok? Your not sick are you?" He sounded...worried?

"No I'm fine. I just don't have an appetite."

"Well in that case can I have the rest of your plate?"

"Good God! Don't you ever get full?" I exclaimed as I shoved my plate over to him.

"I'm a growing boy I need my vitamins."

"You're just a bottomless pit."

He stuck his tongue out at me and I laughed. He is just so childish sometimes.

"Come on hurry up we gotta get to school." I urged. He stuffed one last bite in his mouth before heading for his room to put some clothes on. I got up, picked up the dishes and put them in the sink.


The lights were off; the room was only illuminated by the flickering images from the TV. The movie looks very interesting but my mind was off somewhere else. It was half way into the movie and I was completely lost. Bored out of my mind I got up and headed to the kitchen.

I needed something to munch on. I opened all the cupboards but nothing interested me. Didn't feel like having any chips, popcorn, or candy. I scanned the entire kitchen finally my eyes settled on the fridge. 'Ice cream!' I opened the freezer and there it was...the last chocolate covered vanilla ice cream bar. I eagerly grabbed it.

I was heading back to the movie when Sunghoon came in. Amazingly he was fully clothed tonight perhaps due to the chilly night temperatures. He went straight to the fridge. I wondered what he was looking for so I stayed and watched him. He opened the freezer, looked inside and closed it. He slowly turned his head towards me and stared right at me...or should I say my ice cream bar?

"No!" I said knowing full well what his intentions were.

"Please Wonnie? I really want some ice cream." He gave me his most pathetic look.

"No! I was here first so there!" I wasn't going to give any ground.

He stood there contemplating what his next move should be. His eyes widened as if he made a discovery. 'Oh no!' His bottom lip started to protrude and his eyebrows started scrunching together. He was using his deadliest weapon. 'Dammit!' The hand that was holding the ice cream bar started extending towards him. 'Wait a minute! I should learn to say no to him. I should!' I quickly retracted my surrendering arm.

He looked at me in utter shock. He couldn't believe that his most powerful weapon had failed him. I smiled gloatingly at him. Realizing that begging is not going to help him he took another approach.

He lunged at me trying to grab the bar from my hand and we both go falling down onto the kitchen floor. The bar went flying across the room. I couldn't move he was on top of me. He tried to head toward the bar but I grabbed him and rolled on top of him. We both struggled to overpower each other as we moved closer and closer to the last chocolate covered vanilla ice cream bar.

I finally gave up and he sat on my stomach huffing and puffing. I was out of breath too. He easily reached over and recovered the prize. He sat on me as he triumphantly licked the ice cream bar. I was fuming.

"Alright you won! Now get off of me."

He didn't budge and seeing how mad I was made his smile spread wider. I was too tired to fight him so I just lay there passively glaring at him as he ate.

He finished half the ice cream. He then lowered the rest and started to feed me. I obediently started sucking at the soft sweet treat.

Smiling. "Is Wonnie still mad at Hoonie?" I narrowed my eyes at him as I continue to suck. "I'm sharing," he continued innocently. "I'm such a good boy." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh hyung you're such a messy eater," he exclaimed. Trickles of melted ice cream were making its way down my throat from the corners of my mouth. He wiped away the escaped ice cream with his free thumb. He then raised his hand to his mouth and licked his thumb. I stopped eating. I stared at him as he continued to wipe and lick the ice cream that was on me. I silently willed him to forget about the stupid thumb and just lick the ice cream straight off of me.

He glanced at me and started laughing. 'What the hell is so funny?' Then I realized what he was laughing at. Since I stopped eating the ice cream it had melted all over my mouth, chin, neck and the collar of my shirt.

He reached onto the counter and returned with a towel. He took the rest of the still solid ice cream out of my mouth. He leaned down and started wiping me while laughing and shaking his head. I didn't pay any attention to the mess on me all I noticed was his face was only inches away from mine.

My mind was in a frenzy. In the heat of the moment I laid down all my fears and reservations. My heart was pounding as I slowly raised my hand to the back of his neck. I didn't care what the consequences would be. I didn't care whether he was gay or not. At that moment all I care about was having him. My hand was closing more inch to go...

ring ring


"I'll get that." He raced into the living room already forgetting me.


"Hi honey..."

God I hate that bitch! No I shouldn't say that. I should be thankful or I might have done quite a lot of irreversible damage. Yeah I should be...but not right now. I got off the kitchen floor and headed to the bathroom for a shower...a cold shower!

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