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    Sabine's POV

  I was really confident with my decision to stay on Mandalor. I trained with Tristin and then talked with my mom about what I did after leaving the academy. It was nice to be home. My room was pretty big. It was maybe the size of my room on the Ghost times four. It had a very big bed. One of the walls, were a big glass window. I had an armor stand, desk, dresser, a large holo screen and other things. The walls were plane white with light blue trim. I got out some paint and went to paint on the wall.

"Uhh?" I hummed not sure what to paint. I stood out side my bedroom door and waited for something to happen. After about thirty minutes I went back to my room. I stood at the big window and pressed my forehead against the glass.

"Well! I guess I should unpack my stuff." I told myself. I put my tech on the desk and clothes in the dresser. It took my an hour or two but all but one small box was unpacked. I showered then got in white sweatpants with paint spatters on them, then a black tank top.

"One more box." I muttered to myself. I sat on the bed and opened it. It was a mess! There was tech, notebooks, pencils and other random objects.

"The moment I thought I was organized." I chuckled. I set art stuff in a pile and tech in a pile. I saw a memory chip that was in a bag of stuff that said 'Adventures Of The Ghost Crew' I put it in the holo screen and grabbed the remote. I hit a button and a video came on. It was a bunch of times Ezra attempted to flirt with me.

"My names Ezra. What's your's?" Ezra flirted.

"Hey! Sabine I see your painting, stuff." Ezra flirted.

"Well nothing gets past you, kid." I smiled.

"If you ever need a little inspiration..." he trailed off.

"I'll be sure to look elsewhere." I chuckled.

"Hey, thanks for saving me back there." Ezra attempted.

"Don't read to much in to it, kid." I scoffed.

"Hey, where have you been?" I questioned while running.

"Why? You miss me?" Ezra smirked.

"I always appreciated you, Sabine." Ezra explained.

"Yes, I know, Ezra." I sighed.

"Speaking of which, it does smell like you."

"Wha?" Zeb questioned.

"I was talking to, Ezra." I said.

"Wait! You know what I smell like?" Ezra smiled brightly.

"How will you find us?" Ezra asked worried.

"I can smell you remember?" I said. He smile as Hera pushed him the other way.

I smiled at his attempts. The next track was family night.

I watched as we all goofed off and let our flaws fly. Ezra and I had a karaoke battle and Hera and Kanan did the same. I laughed as I watched us have fun. I watched all the videos and went through all the pictures. I turned off the holo screen and put my art stuff on my desk. I laid down under the blankets and looked outside. A few tears fell from my face as I felt a dark and cold emptiness sink in. Then it all made sense. I can't paint because the crew was my inspiration. I looked in a folder that had pictures most were me and the crew. Then I got to the one Ezra drew for me, it was a loth wolf done in only one pencil.

Ezra's sketch-

 I started to cry at the thought of the crew

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I started to cry at the thought of the crew.

"Why am I so kriffing stupid!" I shouted to myself. I curled up and cried. I miss Hera, she was my mother for so long. No! Not mother, she was my mom. Kanan was my dad! My teacher and my dad. Zeb was my big brother. Ezra was my best friend, he maybe even more than just my best friend. Chopper was my pet? I threw an amazing life away. Was it perfect? No! But, for me it was.

I'm such a fool!

Till next time Emily out.

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