Chapter 8

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I just had to put that there. 

Chapter Eight


So as the next day comes and the next one comes. I wait around to see if Elemmire still going crazy. So I went down stairs with Sandra we just waited for Elemmire to come down so we can talk to her waited for 1 hour,2 hour, 3 hour, 4 hour then it came at 3:00pm so we got so worried because she usually comes around 2pm. So we went up stairs we saw some red dots that look like a demon foot print that what i thought. The footprint went all the way up to the acctek but I don't have one so Sandra grabbed a flashlight to see. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.


So me and Sandra and my two kids went to a coffee shop. While we're there nina and Scorpio was there has we drinked are coffee they came over to our table.

"Hey guys how it going"

"she sounds like a hoe" whispered Sandra

"It good"

"How is Bella"

"She good"

"Babe what did I told you never talk about that back stabbing bitch"

"That hoe needs to get her ass kick" Whispered Sandra


"Mariana quit down"

"you should now bella stole my man first"


"Babe can u give me a coffee please"

"Ya sure sweetie"

"She stole Daryl from me"

"No she didn't you just got jealous of her and him"

"And you have a boyfriend"

"I don't give a crap I love Daryl now will toodles"

"Toodles really what is she five"

"ugh she needs to get her ass kick so bad man hate her"

"Oh look it bella"

"Hey bella come here"

"Hey guys what up"


"Nina said you stole daryl from her"

"No i didn't she doesn't even know daryl is"

"i know that what we said"

"will i'm inviting you guys to my wedding of course"

"cool thxs when"

"This Saturday"

"omg can't wait what time and were"

"It as the church by our old school and it at three"

"okay thxs"

"Hey guys i got to beat it"

Okay bye"

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