Chapter 5

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I just put pretty little liars because there kinda mention in this chapter. 

Chapter Five


Friday Morning

I kept hearing something ringing I just kept thinking and annoying the ring. The phone was ringing it wasn't a dream anymore this was all real but it didn't felt like it. I picked up the phone and her mom was crying in the background the guy was telling that allison is missing i'm just saying "ugg not another pretty little liars again or the bitch I just hope allison is okay".

I called mariana and ask her did she heard about allison messing She said she did I think the police is calling her family members and her close friends. My mom called me and make sure I was okay because she thought I was gone missing I was wondering why i'm home. My mom wasn't home yet I think she still at herself. So I went to mariana house and the police was there this young lady asked me am i'm a close friend to her I said "ya". She asked me if I ever heard anything rear she be gone to but I didn't have no clue. She just kept asking us questions about allison when she was done me and mariana ran back to the house I could tell she was so afraid because her and allison had history with sandra I didn't so I wasn't that afraid because I didn't know much about allison. So i called everyone but no one answered my called only sandra, Elemmire, Ashley,Bella,Emily and Angle. We were setting in the living room Bella told us that her husband was at this college field trip she didn't go because it wasn't for her age. All the boys were at families vacations. So we were talking about Allison missing and I was thinking about what have she been gone to and who would take her. There was knocked on the door it was Maria and her boyfriend Mike I haven't seen mona for a long time she a bitch because she always give lies and she almost stole sandra from us. Also she tells lies about people and she like the hates person on the earth I don't get why that guy likes her. She had this look on her face like she was going to kill someone. She told mariana can she watch her little sister while she doing some business of course mariana would say yes like she always, she could never say no. Maria sister is so cute she look just like Maria even she only 8½ and her name is marilyn. She asked mariana if she can hang with her friends but she said no because they have to come to her house and be okay with her older sister. When I went up stairs I heard mariana and elemmire talking about ally and their parents hating her. My mom called me and told me that dad kick her out and that be safe I asked her where she going she said Africa. Why would my mom would go to Africa I thought because she what to see Africa because she always wanted to, but it was for a guy. I only told mariana because I can trust her. I would of told ally but she is gone. My sister asked me where mom I didn't want to tell her even tho she older than me I had to lie to her. I heard Mariana screaming because evan is in the hospital. So I drove her there and we asked what happen, he got in a car accident Mariana kept asking questions. They were saying that the accident caused by anger or drunkenness. The doctor told her to go to the room and see him he was hurt bad but he can only hear us. The way Mariana talked to him I wanted to cry. The doctor said he might died but we just kept praying for him because that all we can do. So as I went back to the house no one was there excepted marylan lucky Maria wasn't there she would of scream at mariana. Marylan looked scared I guess she never been home by herself. I took her to the park and while I was there I saw a guy that looked like Evan. I asked him does he have a older brother he said yes and it was evan but he was older than him he was like 29 years old and he had a son and a single parent his girlfriend got hit by a car three weeks ago and I didn't want to tell him that his brother might died. So I waited until he finds out I told Mariana about it she knew but not about his girlfriend. Maria picked up her sister but she told us about a girl who knows everything I thought she was talking about herself but she tells lies about everything and everyone. 

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