Chapter 2

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Chapter two


Evan came home from soccer and he wanted me to go in the bedroom with him I wonder what did he want from me. He closed the door and put me by the wall he started to kiss me it felt warm his hands was on my waist and crabbing me and I felt so happy. As he kept kissing me I just kept thinking about bella what going to happen to her because she liked scorpio but she engaged to daryl and nina and scorpio is back together it just too hard for her but she lucky she getting married at least she going to be happy I hope. Evan pulled me to the bed and I think we were about to have sex then he started to talk to me.

"Hey do you want to do it"

"I don't know I keep thinking about bella"

"Why are you thinking about her for"

"because she liked scorpio but he back with his ex"

"Will she has daryl they're getting married"

"Ya but still"

"She'll be happy with him"

"How would you know"

"She happy she smile when she see him and doesn't she smile when he kisses her"

"Ya your right"

"Let go"

He took his shirt off and kiss me in the neck, grab my ass and we did it. It felt so good but I love him so much he the best boyfriend ever. later that day, I put my long Pjs shirt on and small shorts on and kiss him then went downstairs to get something to eat. I saw sandra crying I wonder what happen and harry said i'm so sorry, so I went and talk to them before I did I got a swiss rolls because i'm so hungry.

"Hey what happen"

"Harry has to go somewhere"

"Mmmm okay"

"I have go to england because my parents is moving there and I might not come back here I don't know yet"

"Oh can't you visit sometimes"

"I don't know because my parents"

"His parents are really strict about him going back here by himself"

"Will you can live here it kinda crowded but ya you can fit"

"My parents won't let me"


"There has to be a parent at least"

"Will my mom always come and visit her like a lot"

"Ya your mom can talk to mariana mom"

"Okay i'll see"

"Thank you so much mariana"

"You welcome"

As I went to the kitchen Christopher came in chasing Brook. I told to stop running and eat a snack because that comes him down.


"Hey girls come up stairs I need to talk to you".

"ya what"said bella

"I think my mom lied about my age"

"What do you mean why would she even lied"said elemmire

"She lied about the police and angle saw the papers in my mom under drowned"

"But why would she"said ashley

"Because my sister"

"angle" said bella

"no my twin sister"

"you have a twin sister why didn't we knew about this"said ashley

"She not write in the head"

"What do you mean by that" said ashley confused

"She gets crazy and really good at revenge but to good that it hurts people and she gets to crazier"

"what do you mean by hurt"said bella

"she'll kill the person or get the person missing"

"Wow" said bella

"what her name"

"her name is maria but some people call her the devil of princess"

""why the devil of princess"said bella

"why princess"said ashley

"I don't know why it just a name she made herself and that how it came up"

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