Chapter 7

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Chapter seven


Monday morning

As I wake up for school I heard sandra screaming so I ran to her room I saw some weird things that I never seen before and lily was there her other close friend. They said that the demon is here to take you I got so confused what they said I thought they were crazy in the head or just stupid but when the light turn off I got so scared that I ran to sandra and I never did. When the lights came back on they were laughing and anna was there. I was so mad that I smack my sister and left the room.

As I went to lunch 8th period and who had lunch at this time. So people were staring at me and i mean everyone even my own friends I think Sandra sent them up for this so i screamed her name. I told her to stop this and leave me alone and she said I don't know what you are talking about and she told me that no one is looking at you and as I turn no one was but it was so weird. So sat right next to mariana and told her everything she thought I was crazy but as I turn to see what sandra was doing I tuned back and mariana was talking but in a different language and I told her WHAT ARE YOU SAYING! Everyone was looking at me and she told am i'm ok and I told her again what was happening and she took me to the nurse were the room was purple because It makes every animal com and it helps me to. So mariana told the nurse was happening and why were her that she said you guys are crazy and go back to class then I told her that WHY YOU ARE TALKING LIKE A BIRD FOR! So she tested me and see what going on with my brain and she told me that they're a weird demon in me that telling you things that don't make sense and it will get worse. Me and Mariana look at each other for a sec than look at the nurse and scream so loud that she turn into ashes. Mariana got scared that she step back from me. I told her it wasn't me it was that stupid demon in me. So as I ran home people were weird. As I went inside my house sandra was there and told me it going to be ok. I asked her how did she knew about it she said she heard me and she the only vampire who can here me because she used to have a demon inside of her to but it got out then it got into me. I was so and that I cried and witches can't cried so it has to be really strong. I was crying so much that I was about to melt but Sandra but really cold water on me that i screamed so loud that ana turn into ashes and sandra screamed and told me you have to do a spell and turn her back so I did. I told her I loosed the last spell of turning people back I think so we have to see what happens next.


As I went to the bathroom with Mariana she told me to press this button for hot water. As she left the room, I got in the water but I heard a knock. As I got up a letter pill down the floor. When I open it I thought it was from mariana but the message was wired to me. "Don't hide from me you bitch" -ashes. For a sec I thought it was ashley but she wasn't here and her handwriting is more neat than shit crappy note. I wanted to tell someone but everyone has been thought a lot. So I went up stairs with my robe and ask sandra if ashley is here. She said "no" so I got more worried. So I went outside to get some cool air. While I was setting on the bench harry was here to say goodbye but I thought he left already. So no wonder sandra was getting all fancy, so she could take harry out to dinner. I asked him if sandra was taking him out. He said "he doesn't know about that". I think it was a secret dang it. I really hope Sandra don't get mad at me cause i told harry she taking him out to dinner. As I went back in sandra was crying and Harry face is all red i'm so confused with their relationship and they're so cute together. 

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