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Iggy's POV

i was furious, grabbing the counter. i grip out the room and was shaking. they took her, they took my Kassidy, how dare they? who do they think they are?! i grab the first thing i could grab, which was a mug. i threw it and heard a thunk and quiet hiss. 

"Watch it, idiot!" Fang yelled furiously.

"You watch it!" I yelled at Fang. 

i turn towards Max and them, or at least, where their heart beats were. 

"What happened? I mean, you guys can see, can't you? Why couldn't you get them?" i demanded.

"They had a chopper! And guns! We're not bulletproof!" Gazzy said loudly.

"Guys! Guys! We're all upset. But we're not the enemy! They're the enemy." Max said quickly.

it was quiet and i just paced around, feeling exhausted, how, how could she get caught without us knowing? what type of boyfriend let's his girlfriend get kidnapped? usually we have each other's back, and it made me furious, how?! 

she's probably scared to death, god, please don't let her have an episode, I've seen her get angry, and it's scary. 

i stalked over to the couch and sat down and i felt a head land on my shoulder and i instantly knew it was Nudge. i stroked her head...her hair wasn't as soft as Kassidy's. 

"Take deep breaths," the Gazzy said concerningly. 

i wasn't sure who he was talking to, either Max or me, or even the whole flock for that matter. i relaxed even more as i hear Fang open a can of...Ravioli's? 

"You know, if they just wanted to kill her, or kill all of us, they could have, They had guns. They wanted Angel and Kass alive for some reason. And they didn't care if we were alive or not. I mean, they didn't go out of their way to make sure we were dead, is what I'm saying. So that makes me think we have time to go after Angel and Kass again." Nudge said. 

"But they were in a chopper, They're way gone. They could be anywhere. Like, China or something." Gazzy mumbled quietly. 

"I don't think they took her to China, Gazzy." Max said. 

"We know where they took her." Fang's calm words fell like stones. He scraped the bottom of the can with his fork.

"Where's that?" I asked, raising my head, my blind eyes bloodshot with unshed tears.

i can't think of why they would take her, oh poor Kassidy. i will kill them, with no mercy at all. 

"The School," Fang and Max said at the same time.

Kassidy's POV

i was sitting in a white room, wires plugged up to me all over. the scientist put two on my head and i stare at him with no emotion as he was finishing up. 

Unlike the other's, i didn't call the scientist white coats, that was too much of a mouthful. Max always looked amused when i said that. 

i miss the flock, i wonder what they're doing, is Iggy okay?...Iggy, my heart hurt, just thinking of him. is he okay? was he hurt badly? and what about the other's? are they okay?

"such an obedient experiment" the scientist said.

i just stare ahead, not saying or doing anything. i hear him walk out and i lean into my seat and close my eyes, l shut my eyes and grip onto the arm rest. i feel sparks through my body and i threw my head back and screamed. 

they stop and i breath heavily, barely able to keep my eyes open. i lazily look around and widen my eyes, everything was burnt to crisp. the door opens and a few scientist came in, followed by a few erasers. 

"very impressive, we didn't realize your abilities were this advanced" the scientist said.

"she's quite mute, girl, speak" another scientist said.

i look up at him and slowly open my mouth, but then shut it again. i look down and shook my head. 

"she's stubborn, give me a few minutes with her" An Eraser said. 

everyone left the room and i kept staring at my bare knees. i hear a click and i quickly look up and stare into bright green eyes.

"Ari?" i asked confused.

Ari was jeb's biological son, he would always sneak away and come find me and we'd play with each other.

"you remember me, i didn't think you would" Ari said. 

"what happened to you Ari?" i asked softly.

he didn't answer me, but he looks at me curiously. i tilt my head at him and he reached over to my face, but i didn't flinch away. he wiped some blood off me and sighed.

"the plan wasn't to bring you in, you have to understand that" Ari said softly.

"right, then why?" i asked.

"we wanted Angel, that's all, then some Eraser's saw you with your powerful abilities" Ari said.

" I'll be trapped here forever?" i asked quietly. 

"...unless Max and them find a way to get you and Angel out, so probably" Ari said.

i nod my head and felt tears well up in my eyes and Ari frowns, gently wiping them away. i bit my bottom lip, why was he being so nice?

"why are you being so nice to me?" i whispered.

"because you were nice to me" Ari said softly. 

the doors opened and Ari straightened up and he had all his facial features hard and i frown, letting my facial expressions go blank.

"so, how is the experiment?" the scientist asked. 

"she's obedient, she will be seeing the director later" Ari said. 

"bring her back to her cage" the scientist said.

"alright" Ari said.

he gripped my arm and pulled me up, walking me out of the room and down the hall way. i  slightly stumbled, but kept up to pace with him. 

"am i going back to Angel?" i asked.

"yeah, sorry about this" Ari said quietly. 

he opened a door and dragged me inside the room, pass the other cages. he opened a cage door and threw me in, making me whimper and i hear Angel gasp loudly. Ari closed the door and stalked out, slamming the door behind him.

"Kassidy? are you okay?" Angel whimpered.

"I'm fine" i whispered. 

i reach my hand out and we entwined our fingers and she gave me a watery smile, she was terrified. 

Maximum Ride: Angel ExperimentTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon