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There was no time to think. Jeb had trained us not to think-just to act. I launched myself at an Eraser, spinning and planting a hard, roundhouse kick in his barrel chest. His breath went out and the odor was just awful, like raw sewage left out in the hot sun.

An Eraser grabbed the collar of my jacket and threw me against a tree, making me gasp in shock. i got back up and ran at him. i jump on him, gripping his head. i gasp as i was seeing his worst fears, he was screaming and i fell off him, his eyes were glowing red and i gulp, backing away from him. i scooted back and i felt my back hit something hard. i look up and see a giant Eraser. he smirks at me and kneels down, gripping my arm tightly.

"sorry birdy, it seems you're wanted as well" the man said. 

i look around for help and see everyone else was busy, great. he slammed my head against the ground and i dizzly grip onto him. he picks me up and i try to escape. i look and see Iggy laying unconscious on the ground, making my heart break.  i see Nudge getting thrown into a tree trunk. 

"Max!" Angel screamed.

i sleepily look at her and her eyes widen and she started struggling. he carried me into the van and Angel was being tied up. i was dropped by her and she quickly hovered over me, tears in her eyes. 

"Kassidy? are you okay? Kassidy?" Angel sobbed.

"mmmm" i moaned. 

"shut it!" an Eraser shouted. 

i close my eyes and fell into a deep, peaceful sleep. 

i woke up to the soft drip drops of water, making me frown in confusion. i lazily open my eyes and stare at the metal bars. i felt tears in my eyes and i quickly sat up. i grip onto the bars tightly, wanting to cry. 

"Kass?!" Angel asked.

"Ange? baby? you okay?" i asked worriedly. 

"I'm fine, are you? they hit your head pretty bad" Angel said worriedly.

"I'm fine baby" i said softly. 

i reach out and she grips my hand tightly. i give her a soft smile, tightening my grip on her hand.

"don't worry Ange, they'll come for us" i said softly.

"how do you know?" Angel asked softly.

"because we find each other, we always do" i said softly.

Angel smiles at me, nodding her head in agreement.

Max's POV

"Max?" The Gasman's voice was very young and very scared.

I heard a horrible, low moan, then realized it had come from me.

The Gasman and Fang were leaning over me, concerned expressions on their bruised, bloodied faces.

"I'm okay," I croaked, having no idea if I was or not. Memory came rushing back, and I tried to sit up. "Where's Angel?" My voice was strained.

Fang's dark eyes met mine. 

"She's gone. They took her." Fang said. I thought I might faint again. I remembered being nine years old, looking out the wired-glass lab window, watching the Erasers in the semidarkness. The whitecoats had released chimpanzees onto the School grounds and let newly made Erasers loose after them. Teaching them how to hunt.

The sounds of the chimpanzees screeching in terror and pain still echoed in my mind.

That was who had Angel now.

Rage overwhelmed me-why couldn't they have taken me instead? Why take a tiny kid? Maybe I would have had a chance-maybe.

Shakily, I got to my feet. My head was spinning, and I had to lean against Fang, hating my weakness. 

"We've got to get her," I said urgently, trying to stay upright. "We've got to get her before they-"

 Horror-filled images flashed through my mind-Angel being chased, being hurt, being killed. I gulped, shutting them down.

"Check in, guys-are you up for a chase?" I examined the four of them. They looked like they'd been stuffed into a blender set on "chop."

"Yes," Nudge said in a tear-choked voice.

"I'm up," said Iggy, a split lip making his voice thick.

The Gasman nodded solemnly at me.

To my horror, hot tears momentarily blurred my vision. I wiped them away with the back of one hand and called on fury to keep me going.

Just then Iggy cocked his head slightly. It was a clue for me to start listening intently. Then I heard it too: a faint engine noise.

"There!" Iggy said, pointing.

The five of us ran stiffly and clumsily toward the sound. A hundred yards through the woods brought us to a sharp drop-off maybe fifty feet above an old, unused logging road.

Then I saw it: a black Humvee, dull with dust and mud, bumping roughly over the unpaved road. My heart pounded. I knew, just knew, that my little one, my Angel, was inside. And she was on her way to a place where death came as a blessing.

It wasn't going to happen, not while I was breathing.

"Let's get her!" I cried, then backed up about ten feet. The others scurried out of my way as I ran to the edge and simply jumped out into space.

I started to fall toward the road. Then I unfurled my wings, fast, catching the wind. And I began to fly.  

Iggy's POV

i listen as Max flies off, my heart thundering loudly. i need Kassidy, she'll calm me down, i tried listening to her heart beat and i frown. 

"where's Kassidy?" i demanded.

everyone was quiet, i could just imagine their hearts dropping. i ball my hands into fist, i was furious, they took her...they her and Angel!

i feel a strong hand grip my arm and i try to push that person away, i was furious. i flew to the house, the other's behind me, who ever did this, they will pay. 

Maximum Ride: Angel ExperimentWhere stories live. Discover now