Early Bird Get's the Worm

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i woke up to someone lightly shaking me and i groan softly. i slowly open my eyes and look up...it was Max. 

"what's up?" i mumbled.

"time to wake up" Max said. 

i groan, covering myself up with a blanket. i low-key feel around for Iggy, but i realize....he was not there.  Max ripped the covers from me and i shivered, slowly sitting up, rubbing my eyes. i follow, or more like stumble into the kitchen. 

i slumped into the kitchen and rub my eyes tiredly. Max was rumaging through the cabinets, trying to find a decent meal. 

"so...nightmare?" Max mumbled.

"no, i didn't sleep that much, you?" i asked. 

"a few" Max said.

"is it the usual one?" i asked.

"yup" Max said sighing. 

I study Max carefully and i can tell she had been thinking of Jeb again, jesus. i shook my head in disappointment. Jeb had left or "disappeared" as everyone had thought. i honestly thought he just left us, he did kidnap up from the school.

It's pretty decent without grownups, at least, that's what everyone says. it get's lonely sometimes, and we don't really have a grownup leader, we have Max, but that's okay with me, we can fully trust her. 

"morning" Gazzy mumbled.

he walked in, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, making Max and me smile. Max rubs his back and kisses the top of his head. i lay my head on the cold kitchen table and close my eyes, feeling exhausted. 

"what's for breakfast?" Gazzy asked.

did he really just ask that? doesn't he realize it's a poor choice to ask Max, considering she's one of the worst cooks out there. 

"um....it's a surprise" Max said smiling.

"I'll pour juice" Gazzy mumbled.

"I'll get the plates out" i said.

Max swelled up with pride at us, smiling at us thankfully. i open the top cabinet and got on my tip toes, reaching for ten plates, a plate for each of us and the rest just in case. i set a few on the counter and the rest on the table. 

Soon Iggy slouched into the kitchen. Eyes closed, he fell onto our beat-up couch with perfect aim. The only time he has trouble being blind is when one of us forgets and moves furniture or something. 

i feel my heart beat quicken and i can his lip inch up slightly, knowing i was there. i put out spoons and forks, biting my bottom lip. 

"Hey, Ig, rise and shine," Max said.

"Bite me," Iggy mumbled sleepily.

"Fine, Miss breakfast." Max said huffing.

i smile and went to the couch, gently grabbing his hand. Iggy squeezed it back and he just leans on me, yawning.

"see? Kass is willing to be my pillow" Iggy said huffing.

Gazzy laughed, sitting on my lap and cuddling with me. i role my eyes and Iggy's fingers  gently rubbed my back.

i see Fang quietly coming into the room, him quietly going to Max, making me smirk. he looks at me and winks, making me shake with laughter. Iggy tighten his grip on me, which i relax. Max was looking through the fridge, then she suddenly whipped around, glaring at Fang. 

Fang always appeared silently like that, out of nowhere, like a dark shadow come to life. He regarded Max calmly, dressed and alert, his dark, overlong hair brushed back. He was four months younger than Max but already four inches taller. 

"Quit what? Breathing?" Fang asked calmly.

Max rolled her eyes. "You know what." Max mumbled.

Iggy gently took his hand away from my back and with a grunt, Iggy staggered upright. making me look at him curious. 

"I'll make eggs," Iggy announced. 

i rub Gazzy's back as he quietly snored into my shoulder. i combed his hair back and kiss the top of his head. i adored Gazzy the most, if I'm honest and he adored me and Max equally, i just let him get away with more stuff.

"Fang? You help Iggy. I'll go get Nudge and Angel." Max said walking upstairs.

he did a small salute and went over to Iggy, gathering the supplies he needed. i softly hummed, tapping my foot happily. Iggy softly sighed, liking my humming. 

"you know, you'll give Max a heart attack one day" i said to Fang.

"that'll be the day" Iggy mumbled.

"i think she'd kill me before i do" Fang said chuckling. 

he walked over to me, ruffling my head and i smirk at him playfully. Fang and i act like siblings because our wings are similar and i like wear black. the flock always jokes we're twins, which doesn't bother me one bit. 

After Max successfully got the flock to the kitchen table, we all sat down to enjoy scrambled eggs and bacon. 

"I want to go pick strawberries today, they're ripe now" Angel said firmly, scooping up a forkful of scrambled eggs. 

that's true, it was that time of year, wasn't it? i smile warmly at her and she beams at me. 

"Okay, Angel, I'll go with you," Gazzy said . 

Just then he let rip one of his unfortunate occurrences and giggled.

"Oh, jeez, Gazzy," Max and i said disapprovingly.

"Gas... mask!" Iggy choked out, grasping his neck and pretending to asphyxiate.

i giggled at his silly antics and i swear i saw a blush on his cheek as he winks towards my direction. 

"I'm done," Fang said, getting up quickly and taking his plate to the sink.

"Sorry," the Gasman said automatically, but he kept eating.

"Yeah, Angel, I think the fresh air would do us all good. I'll go too." Nudge said.

"i second that" i said. 

"We'll all go," Max said.

Outside, it was beautiful, clear and cloudless, with the first real heat of May. We carried buckets and baskets as Angel led us to a huge patch of wild strawberries. She held Max's hand. while i was carrying Gazzy on my back. Iggy's fingers gently curled into my belt hoop.

 "If you make cake, I can make strawberry shortcakes," Angel said happily.

"Yeah, that'll be the day, when Max makes a cake, I'll make it, Angel." Iggy said.

i lightly elbow him in the ribs and he smirks at me, while Gazzy threw his head back, laughing loudly. 

Max whirled towards us. 

"Oh, thank you! Okay, I'm not a fabulous cook. But I can still kick your butt, and don't you forget it!" Max's voice? snapped. 

Iggy was laughing, holding up his hands in denial. Nudge was trying not to laugh, even Fang was grinning, and the Gasman looked... mischievous.

"Was that you?" I asked Gazzy playfully.

He grinned and shrugged, trying not to look too pleased with himself. The Gasman had been about three when I realized he could mimic just about any sound or voice. I'd lost count of how many times Iggy and Fang had almost come to blows over stuff Gazzy had said in their voices. It was a dark gift, and he wielded it happily.

It was just another weird ability-most of us had them. Whatever they were, they sure made life more interesting.

i set Gazzy down and he ran with Iggy. 

Angel screamed and I stared over at her, and in the next second, men with wolfish muzzles, huge canines, and reddish, glinting eyes dropped out of the sky like spiders. Erasers! And it wasn't a dream.

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