Late Nights

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i stare up at the ceiling as i listen carefully through the night. everyone was fast asleep. i could hear Gazzy and Iggy's loud snores. i could tell Fang was sleeping soundly, instead of snoring loudly like Gaz and Ig. Max, i could hear, her tossing and turning, must be another nightmare. that's what we had in common, Max and i had bad memories, hell, we all did, but i think we suffered the worst.

i glance at the alarm clock that's on my bed side and it said 3:30 am. i sit up in bed and run my fingers through my hair and sigh. i get up and walk to the bathroom we all shared, it wasn't bad. i rub my shoulder and yawn. i open the door and turn the lights on, then closing the door and locking it. i strip out of my clothes quickly and glance at my body in the mirror. except for the old scars that i got from the school, i see the newer ones on my stomach, thighs, arms. i know it's pathetic, a 2% bird girl cutting herself, she must want even more attention, but that's not it. 

we all had our own secrets in the flock, some where petty, but some were serious. the kids told us what happened to them in the school, and in exchanged we gave a few vanilla ones to them. Max had bad experiences, that's why she has nightmares. Iggy has episodes, usually a sound or smell that triggers him. Fang writes and draws out his experiences, i had a few peaks at them. Nudge barely has nightmares, but when she does, she come snuggle with Max or me. Angel can read minds, so i know she can tell what we've all been through, but she pretends that she does. that leaves Gazzy, Gazzy was, well, he acted like a cheerful kid, which I'm grateful for.

i glance behind me and see my black, raven wings that had blue highlights on it. mine were similar to Fang's, just more bluer. i lightly stretch them and slip into the shower. i turn on the water and let the hot water splash onto my pale skin, letting it go pale. i let my curly hair get damp and i shut my eyes in comfort. i yawn, rubbing my eyes tiredly. i turn around and let my feathers get wet, they twitch a few times, and roll my shoulders back. 

i put in strawberry scented shampoo and close my eyes tiredly. i messaged it into my scalp and yawn tiredly. i wash the shampoo out of my hair and rub my nose tiredly. i put in conditioner and scrub it through my hair. i softly hum to a tune and cracked my arms. i open my eyes and look down at my toes. i curl my bony toes and flex them. 

i lean back and tip my head under the water and wash my hair. i close my eyes and flashes of memories of the school flashed into my mind. i grip my wet hair between my fingers and gasped. i didn't feel water on me anymore, i felt it hurt like burning ashes. i felt someone grip my shoulders and shake me lightly. my eyes snapped open and i look and see Iggy. 

Iggy could always tell when i would have an episode, more then he should have. i just grip onto him, not caring if I'm naked. his hands stroked my hair back and i shut my eyes tightly.

"shhh, it's okay, you're okay" Iggy mumbled.

i just nod my head, my breath was uneven and i hated it, i really did. my fingers slowly tangle into his white cotton t-shirt. he rubs my back and kisses the top of my head and i slowly open my eyes and look at him. his cloudy eyes stares at me and i shiver. 

"you okay?" Iggy mumbled.

"yeah...sorry, i don't know what's wrong with me" i said quietly. 

"nothing, it's not your fault, it's the school's" Iggy said softly. 

i grab a towel and wrap it tightly around me and Iggy runs his fingers through his hair and i sit on toilet. i put my hair in a tight bun and sigh.

"do you think we'll ever be normal?" i asked quietly. 

", i don't think we will" Iggy said.

he sat on the tub and his fingers reached out for my fingers and he gripped my fingers. i squeezed back and his fingers went up to my wrist and felt the scars leading up to my arms. he frowns and i flinch back. 

"you did it again?" Iggy asked.

"sorry" i mumbled.

"...Kass, maybe we should tell Max, maybe talk to her" Iggy said.

"she has enough to handle right now" i said.

Iggy was quiet and he grabbed my hand tightly and sigh, his fingers lacing through mine. i blush, staring down at our hands. Iggy and i were....not exactly an item, but we had the whole couple thing down. when no one is around we'd cuddle, act all coupley, hell, we've even kissed a few times. it's just, we're only fourteen. the other's don't know, but i have a feeling Angel does, but she doesn't comment on it. 

"do you want to come lay with me in bed?" Iggy asked. 

"how about the couch? i don't want Max or anyone finding us like that" i said softly. 

"okay, I'll go grab some covers" Iggy said.

he pecked me on the cheek and he stood up, he walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. i slowly got up and quickly got dressed and walk quietly downstairs. i walk into the living room and see Iggy lightly setting some covers down. i quietly went over to him and kiss his cheek.  he relaxed and grabs my hand. Iggy sat down and grab my hand, pulling me down with him. i curl up with him and close my eyes.  

"get some sleep, okay?" Iggy asked softly.

"okay" i said nodding.

he wrapped his arms tightly around me and i slowly fell into a light sleep. 

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