Chapter 2

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Cameron's POV- age 25

Walking into the West's household without knocking was normal for me. I've known the family of three, now four, for almost ten years now and they always said that I was welcome to just walk right in. When I was younger I thought walking into someone else's house would seem rude but all it took was a conversation with Barry about how I was like family to them and him flashing me that gorgeous smile for me to feel comfortable bursting through the door whenever I wanted.

Tonight was no different, it was Thursday night which meant movie night for the West's and as always I was invited. Growing up, I spent more time with the West's then I did my own parents. It wasn't my parents fault, I just never felt close with them so I always spent more time away from home then at it.

Walking into the house I was bombarded with the smell of popcorn and a huge hug from one of my best friends in the entire world. Iris West was squeezing me so tightly I swear she was actually trying to strangle me instead of hug me. Letting me go so I could finally breathe she starts talking a mile a minute.

"Cammie! I haven't seen you forever! How's the new job, well not really new your just getting paid now instead of doing all that work at STAR Labs for free."

Yep, that's right I work for the famous STAR Labs. I've been working there officially for about 3 weeks, even though I've been helping Cisco, Caitlin, and Barry for the past 2 years. When Barry was struck by lightning, at the time I worked with Iris at Jitters but once the accident happened and he was moved to STAR Labs I started making daily visits for long amounts of time. My boss was not to happy about me never showing for work so after about a month, I was fired. For me I saw it as a blessing, I didn't have to worry about having to leave Barry to go serve people coffee, I could spend all my time focusing on making sure Barry woke up. But after losing my job it got considerably harder to pay bills and when I got the eviction notice I wasn't sure what to do. That was when Caitlin offered me her spare room in exchange for helping her out at STAR Labs. I jumped at the deal, moved into her apartment two days later and started working at the labs the next week. And now two years later, Barry had woken up from his coma and became a crime fighting superhero, I still lived with Caitlin and helped out a STAR Labs but now I could start helping with the bills.

"It's been-"

I was cut off by the door opening before I could finish what I was going to say. Turning around I came face to face with the speedster himself. No matter how long we've been friends, I will always blush whenever I see Barry. Thankfully no one ever seems to notice the pink on my checks whenever he's around.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late but I had to do some late night crime fighting."

His smooth voice brings me out of my daze and I'm brought back to earth where Barry is my friend and nothing more.

"Oh there was a crime, why didn't STAR Labs call me. I would have been happy to go down and help."

And see the large smile on Barry's face whenever he brings in another criminal but obviously I didn't say that.

"There was no need for that. It was just a normal bank robbery, no metas involved."

As he talks, Barry had made his way from the front door into the living room where he gives Iris a side hug and kiss on the top of her head.

I really hope neither of them noticed me turning away from them when he did that.

Iris enters the conversation with her cheeks a light pink from the welcome from Barry, "Well I'm just glad you're safe and with us."

They're  looking into each other's eyes like lovesick puppies and it takes everything in me not the cry. She's giving him one of her special smiles while he's staring at her like she's his world, with that annoying little sparkle in his eyes. While I'm watching them both, my heart splitting in two.

I knew this would eventually happen. After Eddy's death, I knew eventually Iris would fall for Barry and with him always loving her all it would take for them to become a couple would be for her to say so. Yes I saw it coming but was I prepared for the heartache I would feel every time I saw them together? No.

Joe comes in from the kitchen breaking the stare between the two. I've never been so grateful to have Joe come in a room.

"Great your all here. Now we can eat dinner and then start the movie."

Dinner was just as awkward as I expected. Well for me it was. Iris, Barry and Joe were perfectly normal, eating and talking like nothing happened, because to them nothing is wrong. They are the three people I have done everything to keep this secret from. For Barry and Iris, it's obvious why I wouldn't want them to know but for Joe too. He's their father (sorta) he's wanted them together since they were twelve. It would ruin the three most important relationships in my life if they found out, which is another reason I refuse to tell anyone.

Trying my best to get through dinner wasn't nearly as hard as trying to get through the movie. Iris and Barry were cuddled up on the couch while I sat next to them, not even focusing on the movie just trying to keep my tears at bay. Joe sat in the chair across from us, oblivious to his kids affection and my emotions.

When I see Iris leaning up to kiss Barry I knew that I had to get out of there. NOW.

"H-hey, guys I completely forgot but Caitlin said that she needed me home by 9 tonight. Something she wanted to talk to me about, most likely about doing my own laundry. So I should really head out now."

I was hoping making a joke would distract them from my uneven voice and glassy eyes.

It seemed to work as all they said were the usual 'drive safe' and 'we'll talk tomorrow'

Once we had said our short goodbyes I got out of the house as fast as possible. Grabbing my coat from the rack and shutting the door quickly.

The tears had already started to flow and I was surprised I managed to keep them in this long.

Making a run for my car I manage to unlock the door through my blurry vision.

I knew I had to pull out of the driveway before they notice I'm still here but I don't trust myself to fully drive home and I don't need to. Caitlin doesn't expect me home for another hour. I drive down the street and park my car in front of a random house. Turning off the gas I finally let the tears go. I'm sobbing in my car and the only person I can blame for it is myself. If I had told Barry how I felt earlier then maybe I wouldn't be in this position. No I don't think he would feel the same but maybe I could have gotten over this, or he would be less open with his affection in front of me.

Sobbing in my car with my heart broken, and the only one I can blame is myself.

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