Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Charlotte Le

“Charlotte, you’re staying home tonight right?” Well. No, not exactly, Bryn. “Because I have to go to work, and we don’t want Elle holed up in this place all by herself, do we?” Isn’t that the three of us most nights? However, we’re holed up all together, so I guess there is a difference. Clara already left early in the morning. It’s not that I don’t like her. I just think she should at least bid us farewell before running off into the arms of Oliver. Well, she did say bye to Elle, the early riser. And Bryn just caught her. I guess I’m just a bit spiteful since I wake up late compared to everyone else, so I completely missed her by a few hours. One would think that people would actually take the time to catch up on all the sleep they had missed during school when it’s winter break. The only reason I woke up is because Make-Out Guy called me.

I should really start calling him Wes, but in my head he will remain Make-Out Guy. That’s his caller ID in my phone, anyways.

Approximately 11:30 AM—Charlotte and Wesley’s Phone Conversation:

Charlotte: “Mmhmm.”

Wesley: “Are you still sleeping?”

Charlotte: “Mm.”

Wesley: “Either way, we still on for later?”

Charlotte: “Ugh. One second.”

Wesley: “Is that a yes or a no? I’ll let you get back to sleep once you answer.”

Charlotte: “You’ve now woken me up, so there’s no chance of getting back to sleep. Shit. Sorry, I almost fell off the bed looking for my glasses. Don’t laugh. I’ll come over at four, I guess.”

Wesley: “I can’t believe you’re making me watch a drama.”

Charlotte: “It’s addict—Bloody—Sorry, I’ve got to go. Just ran into something. See you later, yeah?”

Wesley: “Yeah, bye.”

I’m probably not the most graceful person in the world, but I try my best. Now, I sit with Bryn and Elle eating whatever we had in the fridge for lunch. “Actually, I’ll be going over this afternoon to Make-Out Guy’s.” They raise their eyebrows (Elle raises one) at me. I can just sense what Bryn’s thinking. “Contrary to what you guys are thinking, it’s not what you’re thinking. I’ve just found out that he’s never watched any Asian dramas.” It seems as though they understand now, but are still a bit skeptical. “So, I’ll be going over and we’re going to watch one. Which one? Not sure. And if all else fails, we can always watch Red Cliff. And why do you ask Bryn?”

“I’m taking the shift tonight at the coffee shop. Don’t look at me like that. I just suddenly felt like working today.” No one ever feels like working. Fortunately, a coffee shop is much more enjoyable than actually doing schoolwork. I eat a spoonful of rice and look at Bryn.

“No one ever feels like working.” Apparently, Elle shares my sentiments. Really, if I had a choice, I’d be sitting on my butt all day on the internet. And then it hits me.

“Are you just going so that you can avoid Hale?” Bryn looks up at me. She stammers a bit before deciding what she’s going to say.

“No such thing. Is it wrong to want to go out and make money? So what if it makes sense that I wouldn’t want to be left with Hale. It’s not like he knows I’ll be working today. I don’t even think he realized that I worked sometimes at the coffee shop.”

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