Without Shame

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Hey there Upper East Siders. Rumor has it Carter and Amber have been seeing each other. Surprising? For A, not so much. Is the happy couple trying to hide something from me? Because as we all know, in the Upper East Side, secrets aren't kept long.

You and Carter had been hanging out a lot, and acting as if you were dating. You would sneak around in sunglasses and hats in order to hide from anyone who might recognize you. The two of you had held hands everywhere and kissed occasionally, but you hadn't exactly talked about what you guys were.

One Sunday morning you woke up. You checked your phone. There was only one missed call from Carter. You looked at the clock next to your bed and it was 5 hours after when you usually get up! Luckily you didn't have anywhere to be.

Your phone started to ring. A smile ran across your face; it was Carter. 


"Hey. I tried calling you. I guess you slept in."

"A little. You know how tired I get after our midnight movie premieres." You bit your lip to contain your excitement.

"Sorry about that," he said.

"No, Carter, it was amazing."

"Okay, I have to go. I'll call you later." 

"Ok, bye." You hung up the phone and walked into the coffee shop. You got in line, and heard the door behind someone who was behind you.

"Amber Archibald?" You knew that voice, but it wasn't a good one to hear. You turned around and saw that the one person you were happy to have out of your life had walked into that coffee shop behind you. "Ben Isaacs? What the hell are you doing in New York?"

"You know me and my travels. I'm working on a movie, and I might have a chance to... rekindle an old flame." His eyes were locked on yours.

"Not happening, Ben. What we had was great at the time, but I had no idea you were such a jerk."

"Every girl I've had has called me that, but it doesn't mean anything."

"Of course it does! It means if you want a decent girl, you'll have to be a decent guy for once."

"For once? I'm sorry but who was it who stuck with you your entire time in Miami? Come one, baby. You can't change the past."

"Ben, that may be the case, but I have to at least try and move on. I'm already seeing someone."

"I thought I heard about that. Baizen, right? Why settle for that when you can have more?" He kept leaning in towards you, trying to back you up against the wall.

"I don't care about wealth or fame."

"I thought that was your dream. To be an actress. You can get that publicity by dating someone like me."

"I'd rather date someone I love than someone who can accomplish what hard work will do." You hit the wall behind you. He tried to take your hand, and you shoved his hand away. "No, Ben. I've been seeing Carter. If you had an ounce of respect for me you'd let me be happy with him."

"Yeah, well I know you'd be happier with me."

"You don't know me anymore! When I decided to leave I wanted to change myself. I didn't want to be that loose, slutty type that I was in Miami."

"That's not what I thought of you."

"You were the guy I hooked up with! No wonder you didn't think that. The point is I wanted to change and I did."

"Come on, Amber. I know there's still a bit of that girl that wore that wore that hot pink two piece at sunset."

"Yeah, well I brought that back to the store."

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