Chapter Ten

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Author Notes: WARNING: Sex Scene This Chapter ~ Thank You, AJ

A strong knock at her chamber door later that evening was not unexpected but was still unwelcomed. Alex stood from her chair in front of the hearth to make her way to the door. As soon as she opened it Kieron made a small bow of his head before entering with Megan directly on his heals carrying a large tray that held both of their meals and drinks. As soon as the maid placed it on the table that sat between the matching chairs, she excused herself but reminded them both that she would be stationed in the hall in case they needed anything else and would clean up once they had finished.

Kieron closed the door behind Megan before turning towards his bride. They still did not speak a word to one another, so he simply took her elbow escorting her to the chairs to begin to eat. Usually there was a comfortable silence they shared between them…but tonight…the silence was anything but comfortable as both were still upset and angry with the other, but they knew it had to come to an end.

“Alex…”  “Kieron…” both stated at the same time causing each to stop their sentences.

“Please allow me to go first,” Kieron pleaded and then took a big deep breath. “I was no meself this mornin’ when I began placin’ demands upon ye...but ye must understand that it was out of both fear and need to keep ye safe from harm.” Alex watched as quickly rose from his seat to now kneel before her, taking both her cold hands into his much larger and warmer ones. “Alexandra, ye are to finally become me wife and as yer husband tis me duty to do everythin’ in me power to do so…and cause I love ye. Please say ye understand?”

Alex simply continued to stare at Kieron afraid to speak. She knew he loved her…he had told her the night before in the courtyard…and she also loved him. She could understand and forgive his outburst regarding not wanting her to train with the men, but did that still give him the right to hide such a huge secret from her? No. And that is why she had to leave tomorrow with Elliot. But she would not leave the way things were between them.

“Aye, I promise to no longer train with the men out in the courtyard for all to see, if I’m allowed to continue with me trainin’ in a more private place with yer brothers?” Alex knew it was a long shot that he would agree but she was trying to make a point now with Kieron...he maybe her husband soon but their marriage would be on equal ground, much like her parents. She knew there were going to be times that they would not agree on certain things, but with compromise they could come to an agreement that would make them both happy. And this was her compromise.

Kieron rose from his place before her to return to his chair. He wanted it to seem as if he was thinking over Alex’s request although he had already known he would allow it. But he too had a few details he wished to add before agreeing. “As ye wish…but I also have some conditions of me own,” Kieron replied after a short consideration. “I choose the place and yer to train not only with me brothers but I as well. I also wish to be present for all yer lessons.”

She smiled at his compromise. “Aye, I agree with yer conditions…”

“But…” Alex’s smile quickly fell at Kieron’s word. “Ye will cease all trainin’ once yer with child. I will no take any chances with ye or our child even if the trainin’ ‘tis more for exercise.”

She stood from her chair to walk over and stand directly in front of Kieron. “So once I am with child I will no be able to train or exercise until he or she is born? What will I be allowed to do durin’ such time dear husband? Sit in me chamber on me arse getting’ fat!”

Kieron had just made another demand on her and needed to fix things quickly before she would completely stop speaking to him all together and decided to put his plan in motion. He stood from his chair again, wrapped one arm around her waist, placed his other hand behind her head to bring it up and then started kissing her. She was shocked by his quick movements which caused her mouth to open, which then allowed Kieron to take immediate advantage of her. He plunged in his tongue and started a passionate dance with her own. Within moments he felt her hands move up his arms to come to rest on his broad shoulders as her remaining body started to relax and melt into his.

My Highland Heart (On Hold/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now