Chapter 13

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Racetrack watched the whole thing. he had suspected something for weeks but couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Racetrack grabbed a smoke and headed out for the tracks. He was really stumped. Even more stumped than he had been when Jack was a scrubber. Sure, she had betrayed him, lied to his face, forsaken everything the Newsies stood for, but like or not she was part of the gang. Like breathing, you never really notice it unless you want to but its a part of you, always going on behind the scenes. Once she had joined she had become a part of their team, and once a Newsie, always a Newsie. 

The worst thing about the whole ordeal wasn't necessarily the fact of the betrayal and lying. It was the fact that now she was trapped and it was up to him to get her out. But the worst part was deciding whether or not to tell Jack.

He found her in the refugee her face red and tired. "Hey! Hey, James!" Race called in a whisper yell. 

Jens POV

"Please Race," I cry, "Jack can't ever know. You can't ever tell him! You can't tell nobody!"

Race looks at me pitifully, "how long was you gonna wait to tell him?"

"Never, I was never gonna tell him," I sob, "He can't ever know it's me, please Racetrack!!!"

He sighs, he won't even look me in the eye. "I just don't know James. You know I don't keep any secrets from Jack!" He stops and looks me dead in the eye, a look he would give to a stranger, to a scabber.

"Can I even call you James anymore?!" He exclaims, "Or is it Jen now? I ain't bettin' on this stayin a secret much longer." With that he turns and walks away, probably to go bet away his worries at that track.

I sit down on my bed and cry hard and long. It was all ruined. It was all so complicated, so awful!

How did I ever get into this mess?

So much had happened since I met Jack. Looking back I never realized how easy things were. I had grown up a lot, I was going to be fourteen soon. things were changing for me and for the other Newsies. 

We used to be kids, joking and making the best of a real rotten life. now we had realized that if we wanted to live our lives we couldn't do it peddling papers in New York City forever. 

A New World was comin. One where Jack kelly would be replaced with another wild-hearted young dreamer. But Jack would stay Jack forever, that same cowboy living in a big city. The only question was if I would be there with him. If there was one thing I was sure of it was that I couldn't lose jack. I had to tell him the truth myself. If he heard it from Race it would hurt him, he wouldn't look at me with those same deep blue eyes.  

I made up her mind. I was breaking out of here: tonight.

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