Chapter 12

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I took a deep breath as I walked threw the doors. The whole place was gleaming white and had a dignified air about it. With shaky steps I approached the butler and looked him over head to toe. He looked like a scabber only much more posh and grown up. Looked like he had a real power complex too.

"I'm here to see Pulitzer." I said firmly and clearly. "Pulitzer?" The butler laughed, "No one sees Mr.Pulitzer. At least not after the strike." He suddenly stiffened and went pale.  "You and those newsies aren't planning on striking again...are you."

I stood up a bit taller and stared unblinkingly at his eyes. "That all depends on whether I see Mr.Pulitzer."

He was sitting at the desk when I entered. His eyes closed and fingers rested together. His lips were pursed except for the moments when he considered addressing is guest. At last he spoke.

"You have considered my offer then?" he said smugly.

"Yes," I sighed. "You gotta promise you're not gonna hurt anybody else." 

Pulitzer stood and towered over my short stature. "I once heard you participated in a women's rights march?"

"Yeah what of it?" I frowned.

"Well, you see I get paid a reasonable sum for finding young women who were obstructing traffic with their, what do you call it?  Picketing." he grinned. His breath reeked and I tried to pull away.

"This was a set up," I said my eyes and cheeks burning with hate.

"I prefer to call it justice." He said with a evil smile. I tried to get away but two bulls came up behind me and held me back. 

He pulled off my hat forcefully and tugged at my short hair. "I'll be keeping this as a souvenir miss."

I didn't see Racetrack hiding in the shadows. He must have followed me up at some point. I admit I was acting pretty strange and suspicious. 

I refused to go with them and they knew that I would keep fighting to my last breath. 

I believe that was when I got knocked out. 

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