Chapter 6

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His eyes blazed like fire but all I could do it grin.

"All you, out now. the urchin quested an audience." he shouted tapping the cane on the ground. All of the boys scurried off into the dark like rats. 

He pulled the slingshot out of his back pocket and sat down on the rock. "You aint me sistah. Youse ain't even a goil" He mumbled.

"Listen I swear its me!" I cry, "Tom, I know your name and I know that key round your neck is moms and I know this is hard to understand but please at least acknowledge its me!"

I sit down beside him. What could have happened to make him so hard? Such a leader and a cold fighter? Of course I know the answer already, Jack had already pointed it out so plainly. If you didn't have hope an you were alone on the streets of Manhattan there was no way to keep smiling.

His features softened and he sighed. I knew I was winning.  I knew that nobody had called him by his real name in a very very long time ,"And what if youse my sistah?" he mumbled.

"Listen Tom, I hit a wall after mom and dad died, got into a real bad place. What happens to goils round here at night Thomas? What happens? What happens to homeless goils without nobody lookin out for them? Especially no older brother thats the King of Brooklyn! How that happen anyway?"

For the first time I saw a small smile emerge on his hardened face, "It's a real long story. Does Jack know?"

I shook my head, "Don't tell him Tom." I plead, "I got a real good thing goin on here and I's finally learning the ropes and the lingo!"

He nods and eyes me with what, if I didn't know better I would call worry. "Be careful Jan, I don't wanna lose you I just got you back."

I smile at his concern, Spot Colon, my brother the King of Brooklyn worrying about me selling newspapers in broad day light.

"What name you goin by then Jan?" He asks his serious hard tone returning. how very like brothers, as soon as it gets heartfelt its too mushy for them and they back off.

"James, or Jamie which ever one youse feel like using." I shrug.

He nods, "Well then James, it's geting dark, i say youse stay here tonight deal?"

I nod with a grin, I want to hug him, to tell him everything but I wait knowing that some one may still be watching. He knows I have questions, he knows hes 3 years older than me, he knows I'll want to know about mom and dad soon enough.

He helps me to stand up and we spit pact. he seems a it uncertain, either the fact that im a girl or the fact that im his sister makes him a little uneasy. Maybe its the fact that now he has a weakness.

"Hey James," he mumbled twirling the cane.

"Yeah?" I grin.

"Three things. One If you call me Thomas your askin for a soakin, two, don't be expecting no special treatment, I won't tell but youse on your own otherwise."

I nod in agreement, "Whats number three?"

He smirks and laughs, something I can tell is rare for him, "Don't go getting yourself involved Jamie boy."

I laugh.

I know it's already too late.

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