Chapter 5

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I woke up to a grinning Jack shaking me awake. "Common, lets go! Papes ain't gonna sell themselves."

I rolled over and covered my ears, "Five more miniutes," I mumbled. 

He threw me my hat and I reluctantly put it on.

Half awake and still dreamy I started monologing. Jack didn't seem to mind though, in fact I think he may had even found it amusing. Once I had finished describing my old orphanage with certian details changed I turned towards Jack an looked him dead in the eye. '

"You never told me who Spot was." I mentioned casually.

He laughed, "I suppose I was just avoiding the question. Spot Colon King of Brooklyn. Toughest Newsie round."

"Tougher than you?" I laugh.

His face gets all red and he laughs too. But not his normal laugh, this laugh had a hint of fear behind it. 

"But seriously Jamie, stay outta Spots way. He ain't one to take nicely to trespassers." Jack said solemnly.

I smiled and nodded. I knew that as soon as I sold my papes I'd be on my way to Brooklyn.

The day went by quickly, this time Race showed me around. He was a funny guy, always discussing statistics and which horse was sure to win. He sold more papes than I could have ever dreamed of selling. Probably because he knew just what to say to get me interested in that new horse, or that one thats been makin the headlines.

As soon as i'd finished I tied up my boots and ran as fast as I could to the edge of Manhattan. I wanted to be home by dark so I ran until my heart pounded and I couldn't breath

I was just walking across the docks when I felt a chill run up my spine. It felt like someone was watching me, not following me or chasing me but just watching. 

I gulped and walked a bit faster. Boys were starting to collect in great numbers on the dock and I started to feel my small callused hands tremble. I didn't want them to see so I shoved my hands in my pockets.

"Where you think your goin?!" A rough voice yelled.

I froze, this had to be Spot. No one else had a voice that could cause someone to freeze in their tracts and beg God for mercy.

I closed my eyes tight and turned around, my face staring at the dock. The first thing I saw was the bottom of the cane, pointed directly at my face. I gulped and look up. Then I saw the red suspenders. I smiled internally that we had similar tastes in fashion but I knew that wouldn't save me from the wrath of the King of Brooklyn.

That's when I saw his face. I froze, time stood still. It was impossible, there was no way.

"You a spy from queens or somthin? I says that if you ain't got any of them explanations for walkin on this here dock that we make sure you never walk again. Get it? Now scram!" He yelled.

"You cant be!!" I cried, finally getting the words out. "You died!"

"Not last time I checked. but your friends goin to be sayin the same thing bout you if you dont get lost!" He threatened clenching his cane.

"Don't you recognize me!?" I exclaimed joyfully taking off my cap. The other boys laugh, thinking im trying to come up with some diversion to escape. they don't know what I know. They don't know I have the upper hand.

Spot spat on my shoes and put the cane up to my chin. I wasn't scared anymore, I knew he would never hurt me. 

Slowly, to his shock I gently push the Cane down and lean over so I can speak in an inaudible tone.

"Thomas Nathaniel Colins," I whisper in his ear, "you wouldn't dare beat up your own sistah would ya?!"

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