Remember to never forget

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Alan's pov

" Austin I'm back" I put the groceries on the table in the kitchen and walked farther into my apartment. He must be still sleeping.

I slowly creeped into my room and found it empty.

I started to panic and ran around trying to find him. I saw a light on in the bathroom so I ran in.

I smacked the bottle of pills out of his hands before he could even react. " hey that was my heart meds!"

" sorry I was just worried, I thought you were..." He nodded leaning over the sink looking at his reflection in the mirror. I saw the tears gloss his eyes. I wrapped my arms around him into a hug.

" you know I could have done it.... She.... Alan she was like my little sister, I lost my little sister." He buried his face into my shoulder and I held him tighter.

" hey she was like all of our little sister, she was of mice and men's baby. We all miss her, not as much as you but we all had a connection to her. Hunter may not be here now but I know for a fact that she would want you to be here doing this and she knows just how much this means to you, it means something to all of us and we all need you here. I promised that if be here for you so now you have to promise that you'll be here for me." I said cupping his face.

By now I felt the tears prick my eyes. He nodded and I pulled him back into a hug.

" come on let's eat some lunch I just bought some food" I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the kitchen.

I made him a sandwich and pushed him towards the couch. I don't know how I'm doing this. Comforting my best friend, the man I love, when I can barely hold myself together. I looked over at him slowly eating the sandwich and watching whatever show was on the tv.

I have to be strong for him. I will see his beautiful smile again.

Hunters pov

I smiled a thanks as Christian put a glass of water on the coffee table in front me and sat down on the couch.

" so why would a nice girl like you be jumping off a bridge?" I cringed at the memory. " well Austin and I had a fight and well..." I told him everything poring out everything even from the very beginning and by the end I was leaning into his chest

Bawling like the baby I was.

" hey hey shhh everything's gonna be okay " he brought my face up so my eyes met his. " the important thing is that you're here now, if you were gone I would miss you, I do care about you, you know that" He pressed his forehead against mine.

I have him a small smile and he returned it. " there's my girl" I blushed a little not sure what to say so I stayed quiet.

After staying like that for awhile we made lunch and talked about random stuff and I almost forgot about everything. When we were done I went and washed my clothes.

Christian tried to wash them for me but I refused saying he already took care about me enough.

" hey Christian"


" where are your parents?"

He was kind of quiet and I started to question weather I should have asked.

" I'm sorry" I whispered. " don't worry about I just wasn't expecting that question that all" I nodded

" my brother is mentally handicapped so he needs their full attention and I was kind of in the way so I live by myself and they help me with the rent."

I could see the sadness he was trying to hide, I dropped my clothes and hugged him tight. " they do love you no matter what" that's what Austin told me. I shook my head trying to get the memory of Austin and the rest of them out of my head.

He gave me a small smile. " dude I know a fake smile when I see one I'm not that stupid." He chuckled. I patted him on the head and went back to my clothes.

When I was done i sat on the couch and turned on the tv. Christian was in his room getting dressed. I flipped through some channels till something caught my eye. It was the bridge that I had almost fallen off of.

It was the news and I was the headliner.

I realized suddenly that I couldn't stay here. They would probably want to know that I'm not dead and on top of that Christian is only a year older than i and I couldn't ask him to take care of me, I felt bad enough that Austin did but I was scared and had no where else to go so I agreed.

I picked up a home phone and stared down at it. " Hunter what are you doing?" I turned to see Christian standing there.

" thank you for saving me and everything you've done, but I think I should inform the police that I'm not dead" when his confused face showed I pointed at the tv.

He was about to refuse but I put a hand on his shoulder. " trust me I think it's for the better"

"Okay but at lease let me be the one to talk" I nodded and gave him the phone.

As I watched him speak I suddenly got nervous, don't know why but I just did.

When he handed me the phone he said they wanted to talk to me.

" they want to make sure you're not bullshiting them" I giggled and he smirked.

" if this is indeed you miss and your information is correct we will come by and take you within the hour thank you" and with that they hung up.

I blinked back tears as I told him what they said. After a moment of silence I made a move to go sit on the couch. " well I guess I'm gonna have to give you this early then"

Before I could question him I felt his arms around me and his lips collide with mine. In this moment right here I never felt something like this. It was as if my insides turned to jelly and he was the only thing keeping me from falling. It was like fireworks were exploding inside me and some how I was not blowing up.

When he pulled away I was breathless and in shock. " why me?" Was all I was able to mumble out.

He shrugged. " why not you?" My cheeks burned.

" well I guess now we wait"

Remember to never forget an Casby fic(kinda)Where stories live. Discover now