Remember to never forget

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Aliyses pov

"Ready to go?" He said with a smile.

While he had gone a nurse came in and unhooked me from the machine beside my bed and allowed me to change back in to my clothes.

I nodded my head. I slowly got out of bed, and wobbled towards the door.

As I stepped into the hallway, a stretcher came zooming down the hall strait at me. I ducked even thought I knew that wouldn't help I did it anyway.

Just as I thought I would be hit and have to stay here someone grabbed me around my waist and pulled be back into the room just as the stretcher flew pasted with the doctors pushing it not noticing they almost ran over a patient. With my eyes wide with shock that I almost could have died, I looked up at my savior. " man today's just not your day is it?" Said the man with lots of tattoos looking down at me.

" no I guess not, thanks" I said still out of breath. He smiled still holding on to me.

As we stepped out onto the hall (a second time) I looked around to make sure nothing was going to run me over. " here I have an idea " he said,

and before I could ask what it was he lifted me up onto his back and he piggy backed me out the hospital doors and towards his car.

As we drove I thanked him again for saving me twice and for the fancy exit from the hospital. " so I never got your name" I said.

" the names Austin " he said " I'd ask what your name is but you don't remember do you?"

I shook my head I had no idea. " so where are we going? I ask after a moment of silence. " my place." He said simply.

After what seemed like forever, Austin stopped the car. " we're here" he said gesturing towards the car door, I stepped out still a little wobbly.

I couldn't believe my eyes, right in front of me was the biggest most beautiful house I'm pretty sure I had ever seen. I stood there shocked.

"You like it?" He asked smiling knowing by my face what I was going to say. " Yes!" I said excited to see more. " common ill show you around" Austin said reaching for my hand so I wouldn't fall going up the driveway.

"Hey what the hell happened to you? We turned to see a red haired guy who looked around 20.

"Ya you scared the shit out of us, where did you go?" said another young man with light brown hair who came running up behind the red head.

Then their eyes turned to me and the ginger gave me a questioning glance "who's this a new girlfriend?"

He said smirking and crossing his arms.

i blushed and quickly look and the ground , I felt Austin's grip tighten on my hand "No" he said teeth clenched a bit. " Look ill explain later" Austin looked at me and opened his mouth to say something but stopped himself realizing we didn't remember my name. "Anyways this is Alan he said pointing at the ginger, and this is Aaron".

Alan smirked and Aaron gave me a small smile as I shyly waved and walked passed them following austin into the house.

"I'm going to go talk to them outside there are drinks in the fridge if you get thirsty ill be back soon if you need help just yell ok ?" He said

I smiled and nodded .

He started walking back to the door but just before he left he turned and gave me a worrying glance I pretended not to notice and started looking at the pictures on the wall as he left the house to go talk to Aaron and Alan .

i continued looking at the 3 pictures on the wall.

the first was of Alan kissing Austin on the cheek and Austin giving a very fake shocked impression with his hands cupped over his mouth. I giggled at the thought of watching that happen.

Next was them playing beach volleyball with two guys and three girls I didn't recognize one of the guys making an excellent jump for the ball and Aaron rolling on the sand laughing so hard he was crying. The last picture on the wall was of Austin holding a mic in the air on a stage with one hand and the other he formed a peace sign I looked closer and saw Aaron, Alan , and one of the guys I didn't know standing behind him holding guitars and the other Man I didn't know was playing the drums. A giant crowd of people surrounded them.

The image looked familiar, but how could it.

Have I seen them before?

Austin's pov

" I think you should start by explaining yourself before I jump to a conclusion." Said Alan

" what do you wanna know?" I said not really in the mood for an interrogation right now. "Who is she?" He said obviously annoyed by my lack of explanation.

" who's what?" I heard from behind me. The three of us turned to see tino and Phil standing behind us. I sighed and told the four of them what happened, how I found her, calling 911, lying saying shes my step sister, learning she lost parts of her memory, and saving her again from a runway stretcher.

" so I have to take her to a physiologist once a week, and the doctor said that its to early to ask about what happened." I said.

" so let me get this strait, we are taking care of a kid that could have people looking for her and she can't even remember her own name?" Said tino like this was going to be lots of work.

"Yeah" I said running my hand through my hair.

"Ok this is going to take awhile to process so I'm going to grab a beer and Austin I think you could use one too, anybody else?" Alan said , and everybody raised their hand.

I went to the backyard with everyone else and sat down. So how is this going to work? I thought.


Yay in a couple of weeks I'm going camping!

so I won't be able to update

But don't worry there will be plenty more chapters before I go!

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