Remember to never forget

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I woke up to the sound of the coffee machine. I got up realizing I fell asleep on the couch. I looked over at our little kitchen area to see a sleepy Austin making himself a cup of coffee. " morning " he said without even turning around. He must have known I was asleep on the couch.

" what time is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes. " 5am" he said. I sighed I was only asleep for about three hours, I was going to regret that later.

" you should go back to sleep" he said. " probably not going to happen" I responded.

He walked to the front of the bus with his cup of coffee and out the door. I got up slowly and followed him. We sat out on the front steps.

so why are you up so early?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same thing" he said.

He was right. " still a little shaken up from yesterday that's all" I said truthfully, he nodded his head in response. " what about you?" I asked him. He took a long sip of his coffee " I got a phone call yesterday" was all he said. I was hoping for more of a response but he looked so sad and tired I left it at that. I scooted closer to him and gave him a hug " please don't be sad" I said I didn't like seeing people sad it made me feel bad that I can't help them. He rested his head on top of mine as if to say thank you. We stayed in silence and watched the sunrise.

" it's so beautiful" I said looking at all the colors that surrounded the sky. He looked down at me and smiled.

" breakfast time early birds!" We heard Aaron yell from inside the bus. " I call bathroom first!" I said to Austin and jumped up quick and leaped inside. " awwww c'mon!" I heard him say from outside.

We ended up going to IHOP in our pajamas because we were just cool like that and got a lot of stares from some of the people inside. After ordering our pancakes we sat and just talked about everything touring, warped, they actually told me about themselves, even thought I should know them well by now it turns out I didn't.

" so wait, you got stuck in a moving port o potty and Austin just stood there laughing the whole time? He didn't help you?" I asked laughing so hard I thought I was gonna choke. " yup" said Aaron glaring at Austin. I slapped Austin on the shoulder.

" hey I did help him just after I stopped laughing." He said. I smiled, I love these guys. I looked over at Alan to see him poking at his food slowly, he hadn't even made a dent in it and thinking back he actually hasn't talked since the night before.

" hey guys I'm gonna go get some air I'll be back" Alan said and he got up and left the table. I looked up at Austin who was sitting beside me he also looked a little worried. " I'll go check on him" I whispered to Austin not wanting the other guys to hear.

He gave me a slight nod and I slipped out of the booth and followed the way I saw Alan leave.

I reached outside to see him sitting near the edge of the restaurant. " are you alright?" I asked sitting down next to him. He said nothing but he hung his head low. " Austin and I we were worried about you and-"

" ha I'm sure you are because little old Alan ashby isn't allowed to be sad he's suppose to be that guy who turns everything funny and can never just be sad." He said sarcastically. I could see the tears forming in his eyes.

I instantly wrapped my arms around his slim frame and buried my face in his jacket, " if I did something wrong Im really sorry and I didn't mean it please don't be mad." I said hoping he wasn't mad at me.

He sighed " no I'm not mad at you I'm just..... Confused that's all" I looked up at him and he gave me a sad smile. I felt his hand stroke my hair. We sat there in silence for a little. " you don't have to but if you want to talk I'm always here to listen" I said quietly. I didn't know whether he was going to tell me what was bothering him but I didn't care all I really wanted was for him to be happy again.

He stood up slowly and looked out across the street at the little shops. " I'm by sexual" was all he said. I was confused, I dug deep in my brain to try and remember what that was. " that's when you like like boys and girls right?" I asked unsure. He nodded his head still not turning around. " well... What's so bad about that?" I said almost whispering.

He spun around and glared at me " what's so bad? What's so bad? It's bad because I can't figure out if I want a guy or a girl, I can't ask anyone out because I feel to awkward. And I can't even think about who I want to have sex with because I only know my way around a vagina and thinking that it could be a penis one day scares the crap out of me! On top of that the ban-" he must have stopped blabbering because of the look on my face. He sighed " I'm sorry I'm just... Just scared" he said choking back tears. He buried his face in his hands. I almost started to cry myself. Seeing Alan cry was so sad I couldn't handle it. " it's ok everything's going to be alright I'll help you through this no mater what... Promise" I said looking up at his crying face.

He chuckled and wiped the tears of his face. He ruffled my hair a bit " your good kid" he said smiling a bit, there's the Alan I know and love.

I hugged his arm and didn't let go as we walked back inside.

Alan's pov

"Hey where were you two?" Aaron asked as we sat back down. I shrugged, " we just talked"

I stole a quick glance over at hunter and she gave me a warm smile and a wink. I looked down at my food and realized I still wasn't hungry.

Why did I have to be by? I mean I read a bunch of fan fics about me and Austin, vic and kellin, Austin and Shayley. I thought they were pretty creative but I never thought any of them could actually happen.

I looked back over at Hunter as she was talking to all the other guys about something but I was to deep in my thoughts to hear what she was saying. I knew I could trust her with my secret. But what I didn't tell her scares me the most.


Please don't hate me!!! * hides behind a table* yeah I wanted to shake things up a bit and it will help with the whole rest of the plot so yeah.

In other news im in Ireland right now and it's absolutely beautiful.

Sorry this took so long next chapter will be up soon love ya:)

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