Can You Keep a Secret?

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Everything is complicated in high school, but it's even more complicated when your boyfriend isn't your boyfriend.

"I don't know what to say to him, I'm not mad but I feel... insignificant. Like if I were to leave him, nothing would change for him, meanwhile I would be wallowing in self pity, grieving for someone that isn't even mine."



Secrets are the one thing that many of us keep to ourselves. There are many kinds of secrets, like crushes or surprises or ones that you tell your best friend at midnight, and then there are those few secrets that eat away at your very being. They threaten to spill at any second but you speak not of them as it would destroy your life as you know it. These are the secrets that you dread anyone finding out. These secrets can destroy your reputation. Everyone has them, whether they be that someone had sex with someone else's boyfriend or that someone bribed a teacher or that someone does drugs. Either way, these secrets are life threatening.

Here's mine.

I'm dating Levi Ackerman.

Levi Ackerman, the swim team star of Rose High School, who also happens to have the highest GPA in the senior year, with all honors. Basically, he's the person your mom wants you to be. He always has this look on his face, as if everything is below him. His grey eyes, dark clothing, and pale skin create this feeling of dominance that surrounds him and seeps into every crevice of his being. It's alluring. He also plays violin and is a photographer. I'm not sure how he does it because I'm stressed with my homework alone.

Did I mention that he's also dating Petra Ral?

He tells me that she's just a cover up. A cover up for our relationship, so that nobody finds out about us. I'm not sure why he doesn't want us to be known.

Am I such a failure that he's embarrassed about me?

When we're alone he makes me feel like I'm the best thing that's ever happened to him, but at moments like this, when I see his tongue shoved down her throat, I wonder if I'm just the side bitch and she's the real deal. I sigh and turn away from the scene and move against the flow of the crowd towards my locker.

Seeing him pushing her against the wall, treating her like she's a goddess, like she's the one who holds his heart. But she probably does. He probably only has me for when he doesn't have her. Now that I think about it, whenever we're together, he always pounces on me and shoves his tongue down my throat. With her, she hangs in him and he kisses her cheek and they sit together before swim meets and he drives her home.

I retract my previous statement. I'm not dating Levi, not really. I hold no claim to his heart or his hand, but Petra does.

Though I do see the romantic-ness of sneaking around. It makes me giddy when he pulls me into the bathroom between classes for a small kiss. It makes my heart soar when he whispers sweet nothings to me as we cross paths. I do get small moments with him. I shouldn't be greedy, but nothing will ever be enough for me if I can't have all of him.

I pull my backpack out of my locker and slam the door shut. Hastily, I walk to the front doors of the school. By now, most of the students move to at the doors, too, so I'm not slowed down by having to push past people. I stand in line to hop onto the bus when my phone buzzes in my pocket.

Levi <3

»Hey, can I come over tonight?

I fight the urge to smile. He can't keep messing with me like this. He kisses her, then turns around and makes me feel as if I'm the only one for him, when in reality I'm nothing more than toy.

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