Insecurity Is Not an Infidelity

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Levi is second guessing Eren's feelings when he becomes distant. Levi fears the worse possible situation: cheating.

This isn't as good as my others because I wasn't really inspired for it, but I hope you enjoy anyways!



Eren and I were co-workers at this old, smelly, dump of a place when we met. I was only working there to get out of a rut only I would be able to get myself into. I'm sure Eren had his reasons and, this being so long ago, it doesn't really matter why, but I'm grateful for whatever reason he had. It gave me the chance to meet him.

Though at first, he was just the brat I had to train, he became so much more to me over the last few years. He was the brat, sure, but then he was the green eyed brat, and the kind brat, the beautiful and stubborn brat, the tall ass brat, the only brat who could make me smile, and, my personal favorite, my brat.

We started dating a few months after we met. The fact that he liked me had slipped from his mouth when I was helping him stock the shelves. Sure it wasn't the most romantic way to tell someone, but it was sweet and it was him, so it didn't matter either way. We've been dating ever since then. About three years and seven months, I think. I'm so happy with him and grateful for whatever forces brought him to me.

I love him.

Yeah, we have told each other that we love one another, ever since I was positive about it. He responded with the same. It's not complicated, I don't think. But lately, he's been... different.

He no longer says 'I love you' unless I say it first. He no longer wraps his arms around me when I'm cooking. He no longer pulls me onto his lap or kisses down my neck or makes any move to touch me. It's not like he pushes me away, but he doesn't initiate it. Did I do something to make him mad? Is he getting bored of me? Am I not enough for him? I mean, sure I'm not the best, but I really hope Eren won't leave me. If he did, I wouldn't be able to cope. I would live in a state of nostalgia.

What if it isn't me though? Could he have just never loved me at all and he was only saying that he did because I was forcing him? Could he have realized how useless I am and is trying to find a way to break up with me? He should find someone better. What if he already has?

Oh my god, Eren is cheating on me.

No. Calm down. Don't go blaming him if something you have no proof of. It's just a thought. Though, I couldn't blame if he was. I'm not much to be proud of. Short, stubborn, daunting, and not the slightest bit kind or handsome, who would want that? ( *raises hand* Me, me! I want it!)

I wince as I realize how deep my nails had gone into my hand. I'm stressing over nothing, I'm sure it's fine. I sigh and run my hand through my hair. Glancing at Eren, I know deep down, be would never do that. Eren sits on the other end of the couch, curried into a tight ball while reading. It's like he's trying to get as far away from me as possible. The feeling of betrayal and heartbreak hits me hard in the moment.

Soon, tears are streaming down my cheeks and I'm letting out gross, snotty sobs. I feel the couch move under me and warm arms wrap around me tightly. Eren. This makes me sob harder at how much I'm gonna miss his warmth when he finally gets this break up shit over with.

"Hey, Levi. What's wrong?" Eren cooes, rubbing circles on my back. I wipe the snot on my sleeve, which is unexplainably gross.

"I-I can't believe you," I manage between cries. He wraps his arms around me tighter and turns me to face him.

"What do you mean, Levi?" Eren asks.

"I mean this! I can't believe this. You're getting bored of me aren't you? I'm not good enough. Are you cheating on me? Are you going to break with me to go with them?" I hit him hard on the chest, getting out my frustration. "Do you even love me!?"

Eren stares at me blankly. He blinks once, twice and before I can stop him, his lips slam against mine. He kisses me with such passion that I feel guilty for even thinking he might be leaving me. He pulls away from me before I can snap out of my shock and kiss back.

"Does that answer your questions?" He asks breathlessly. He obviously put his all into that kiss.

"Yeah, but I'm not completely clear on it. Could you tell me again?" I ask with a small smile. He chuckles and leans in again, this time slower and softer.

His lips brush mine and before he pulls me full into the kiss he says, "I love you, Levi Ackerman. Never think any differently." This kiss is slower than the first, and it lasts longer, but is definitely not lacking in the emotions behind it. When we pull away, both of us are breathless and after a minute of silence, he asks, "Why in hell would you ever think I didn't love you?"

I blush, bite my lip, and look at my legs. "I don't know," I whisper. Eren grabs my chin, forcing me to look at him.

"Don't lie to me," he says sadly.

"Well, you haven't been... um, lately, you haven't... touched me like you normally do. You haven't wrapped you arms around me or pulled me into your lap, and as I love when you do those things, I just thought..." I explain.

"Oh, Levi," he says, disheartened and wistful. "I didn't mean to make you think that. I was just... insecure about everything. I didn't want to be too clingy or cheesy. I didn't want to make you feel like you had to stay with me."

"So you want to break up with me?" I ask with a frown. As soon as I finish the question, Eren pushes his lips against mine. It barley registered in my mind to kiss back, before he pulled away.

"I thought we went over this," he says as if nothing happened. I look at him like he's crazy and he just smiles at me. "I love you. I don't want to ever be apart from you. I was being stupid, but I'm not gonna be anymore."

"Don't make promises you can keep, Eren," I joke.

"I can keep this. And I fully intend to," he says, completely serious.

"I love you Eren."

"I love you too, Levi."

Frickle frackle. Wink wonk. Donuts and baguettes. :)

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