Music Saved Me (PG-13)

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A trip on the bus early one morning, and another that night, change Levi's life forever when he meets a green eyed boy who happens to be listening to the same song as him.



Let me tell you something. Music is the best way to decorate and control time. It can slow it down or speed it up with the beat. Music can create a story in your mind that you control. It helps me escape the horrors of the outside, of the people who live there. Along with that, the best way to do anything, is with music.

That's why now, as I sit on the bus, music rings in my ears. Why am I on a stupid, smelly bus at the asscrack of dawn? Because my shitty excuse for a boss called me saying that if I didn't get my "good-for-nothing, hot little ass" down to the offices I would be fired before I could say "big ass eyebrows". Which, might I add, is the non-formally given name of my boss, given by yours truly.

Big Ass Eyebrows and I have been... involved for the past couple of months. He tells me he loves me after every "session". I know it's all lust but I can't tell him no, in fear if losing my job. I'm not good at much else. Sure it hurts, not just my asshole, but my pride too. This isn't what I intended to happen when I signed up for that internship three years ago. This isn't what I intended to happen when I accepted the job when said internship was over. Not that it matters what I intended. This is what Erwin intended to happen, and he is the boss.

The bus stops again on a seemingly empty street corner and an elderly man gets on, sitting towards the front. I sigh and go back to starring out the window at dark streets and passing houses. I drum my fingers on the seat next to me to the rhythm of the song, mouthing the lyrics to the window.

I know what's going to happen when I get to the office, but that doesn't make what's about to happen any better. He's going to greet me with a firm handshake saying we need to discus some things in the conference room and I won't miss how his eyes flick over my being or the way lust clouds his eyes. I'll be obedient, in fear of authority. He'll lead me to the familiar room and let me past him to enter. Then he'll pull me back and slam the door closed. He'll press his body against mine and run his large hands over me, while whispering about how much he needs me and how he missed me since the last time we saw each other. He'll do things to me and I'll let him. Then when he's done, he'll tell me that he loves me and that I should clean up before the others get there, leaving me to clean myself and bear the pain through the day. "It's for the job, for my family," I'll tell myself, but deep down I'll know that nothing is worth this pain.

I close my eyes as the bus creakily turns a corner and I take a deep breath. When I open my eyes, I'm met with a bright green pair of eyes from the other side of the glass, that I can only describe as beautiful. Beautiful and lively. And starring back at me. I shake my head and look at the person to who these bright green eyes belong. He's tall and thin, but not enough so to be fragile, and wearing a band t-shirt under a red plaid button up with skinny jeans and a black beany. He looks like a normal teenager. But those eyes give me a feeling that tells me, he is nothing like any other teenagers.

My fingers still beat to the rhythm and the bus still shakes beneath me, but this boy and I hold our gazes on each other. His lips move and I just barely make sense of them.

"What are you listening to?" I tilt my head to the side and lift my phone to the glass, which currently reads Secrets by One Republic. To be honest, this is the only song of theirs I like and it's mostly because of the amazing cello in it. His eyes widen and he lift his phone.

Secrets by One Republic.

He laughs and runs to get on the bus before the driver closes the doors. I continue looking out the window, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I feel a tap on my shoulder and see the green eyed boy standing there with a shit eating grin. I raise an eyebrow and take an earbud out.

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