I Want to Wake Up (A)

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I suck at summaries. It's a oneshot so it'll only take like five minutes to read. You can waste five more minutes. Trust me.


This was a spur of the moment thing, so I hope it doesn't suck. Enjoy!

Levi's POV

That fucking tall, green eyed brat. Making me feel these things. That bitch. How can he always be so stupid, but in the cutest way? Why so I feel like smiling when he laughs or crying when he gets hurt? I barely know him. Maybe I feel this way because of how many people I've lost, maybe I'm going crazy.

I mean all I know about him is that he lost his mom to titans, and that's why he hates them so much. He has survivors guilt, but I do too. He wants to see the ocean, he should just look in the mirror. He cares too much, it'll probably end up killing him one day. He tries so hard to do something that hasn't been done before, we don't even know if it's possible at all. He gets offended easily, but don't we all? He just handles it differently than most. He cleans the best and I love watching him do it.

I don't actually know if I love him. I don't know what love is. All I know is that I want to be by his side at all times. Is that love? Is love when you feel like you can tell them anything, but nothing at the same time? If it is... that can't be what I'm feeling. It's impossible. I'm Levi. Humanities Strongest. I don't love. I can't. I don't know how.

"Keep up you filthy cadets! We don't have all day!" I yell over my shoulder at the new recruits. My eyes sweep over them and land on a certain, previously mentioned, green eyed brat. I can't take my eyes off him. I probably should, especially while riding on a horse. I shake my head and turn back around. I have to focus. This is their first mission outside the walls. I have to get them all back alive.
Especially Eren, so I can find out how he's doing this to me.


I look emotionless at the titan I just killed. Pathetic beast, full of shit, good for nothing-. My thoughts are cut off by a scream. I spin around, ready for a fight.

About two, three meters away is Eren, in a titans grip. How could the brat let himself get caught? I thought he was smarter than that!

I can't do anything. My feet are glued to the ground. Literally, I can't move. I watch in horror as the titan slowly brings Eren to his mouth. Eren's lips form words, but I can't hear them.

"Help me, Levi! Please come save me!" He said. I finally makes sense of the movements. But I can't move. I look down at realize that I'm not on the ground anymore, but rather in the hand of a titan. He's not lifting me, but holding me in place.

I watch as Eren struggles to get out of the titan's hand. He pounds at the flesh, kicks at the wrist, but he still moves on. The monster opens his mouth and-

"Levi! Levi wake up!" Warm hands rest on my shoulders, shaking me gently, pulling me from my nightmare. "Come on Levi, open your eyes. We're safe." With the comfort of knowing that it'll be okay, follow the demands.

The first thing I see is green. Green eyes to be specific. The green eyes that bore into mine as he was ripped to shreds. The green eyes that begged for help and salvation, just to be denied.

I scream.

I scream and hold my head in my hands, pulling my knees up to my chest. The eyes jump back as I mumble to myself, "It's all my fault. I could have done something. How could I let him die!?"

The same warm hands that saved me from my own mind, pull my hands from around my head. "It's okay, Levi. We're all safe. It's going to be fine, I promise," the owner assures. The owner; the brat; the green eyed bitch; Eren.

"Eren?" I whisper. How did he get in, I mean I'm glad he did, but how? I thought he was dead. The titan ate him, he can't be...

"I- I'm sorry Heichou. I ju- I heard you scream and it was... it was my name. I'm sorry, I'll leave if you want me to," he rambles. I throw my arms around him before he can continue; to the door or in words.

"Oh my god. You're okay. You- you were dead, Eren. And I couldn't do anything about it," I sob into his chest, which I just realized was bare.

He hesitantly wraps his arms around me, "Yeah, I- I'm fine, Heichou. I didn't die, I'm right here."

"And I'm so glad you are."


Our last mission. We're almost done with the Titans. Then we leave them to the next set of poor souls that have to fight. I could still go on for another ten years or so, but the higher ups want young people to do this job. Which doesn't make any sense, they should take what they can get.

I stand on the titan I just killed's shoulder. It falls down and I leap off gracefully to the ground. I look around and see a couple more titans. I quickly finish them off. As soon as the last ones dead, I hear a shout from behind me.

It all happens in slow motion. I see Eren so close to me, reaching out. A large hand reaches and grabs him, lifting him to its mouth.

It's the nightmare all over again. It's a nightmare this time too, right? Eren will wake me up any minute now, he always does.

But Eren keeps moving toward the titan's mouth. His screams pierce the air. "Levi! Help me! Don't just stand there! Help!"

I've been through this before. Eren always wakes me up right before he dies. That's what happens. It'll happen. He'll wake me up and we can go clean together.

Eren screams stop when the mouth closes around him.

Come on, Eren. Wake me up. You said you'd always wake me up. What's taking so long? We do this every night, you know the routine, wake me up. EREN! This is a dream right? Like every other time...I want to wake up from this nightmare.

I want to wake up. Please I beg you! Don't make me stay here.

I want to wake up, Eren.

I want to wake up.

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