Where Does It Point?

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Levi is Captain Hook and Eren, Peter Pan

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Levi is Captain Hook and Eren, Peter Pan. They brawl together all the time over little things and though they both have the chance to kill the other, they never do. During one fight, Eren picks up Levi's compass and finds that it isn't pointing north.



Swords clash together and my feet dance around as Captain Levi and I fight. He smirks at me the whole time and I see his eyes wander. I take the chance and knock his sword out of his hand. "Ah hah!" I shout in triumph and push my blade against his chest. "Don't get distracted, old man," I sneer and take flight. I fly around his ship once and watch as his eyes follow me with a wicked hatred in his gaze. I throw his sword back down, it landing handle up in the floor boards in front of him. "Until next time!" I laugh as I fly away.

I hear him curse my name from the distance and it echoes off the rock walls of his cave hide out. I laugh and toss my sword between hands. "Another battle won!" I smile and fly up to the nest where the Lost Boys sleep. It's already past dusk yet I never pass up an opportunity to fight the Captain. He might be mean and callus but I've never feared him. He's never given me a reason to. Actually, since I've come to Neverland, he's the only person that's nevermind left. All the other Lost Boys get tired of it here and go back to the mainland to grow up. I don't see why, there's nothing there that we don't have here. Captain Levi doesn't leave but once a season. I'm not sure what he does but I know that while he's gone, it's awfully boring around here. I dont have anyone to fight. 

I land in my crow's nest and stretch my legs out with a happy sigh. I grab the small golden disk from my pocket and toss it in the air. I catch it in my other hand and examine it. I picked this up when Captain Levi turned quickly, it fell from his pocket. I furrow my eyebrows as I run my finger over some engraved letters. I'm assuming they're his intitials. I chuckle a bit at the thought of someone naming their kid Levi, what a weird name. I flip the lid open and see the needle of the compass spinning around and around in circles. I look at it confused and it stops suddenly, pointin to a place in the distance. I laugh a bit. "The stupid thing doesn't even point north!" I yell to myself. I shake the compass but the needle stays stiff at that one point. 

I sigh and set it to the side of my bed. I wonder why Levi keeps it if it doesn't work. There's no point in a broken compass. Well, I mean there's a point but there's no reason. I chuckle to myself at my joke and hug my pillow. Maybe I'll ask Levi about it tomorrow. Yeah, I'll do that. I close my eyes and drift to the sleep while listen to the sound of the ocean waves hitting rocks and the twinkling of fairies in the distance.

The next day, I wake up to the Lost Boys' loud arguing over who gets the last roll. "Hey!" I scream from my bed. "Jean stop yelling it's not helping! Connie! Sasha! Just spilt the damn roll! Armin can you please stop crying?" I sigh and fall back into my pillow. The screaming resumes and I groan. I run my hands down my face and sigh. I zip down there and snatch the roll up. I put it in my teeth and smack Connie and Sasha upside the head. "Shut up and go sit in the corner." 

I walk over to Jean and put my hands on my hips, glaring at him. "Yelling does nothing. Go make some more rolls." He glare down back at me, but does what I say. I smile over at Armin. I wipe his tears and hand him the roll. "You can go eat this in Mermaid Lagoon if you want." He smiles and runs off to the lagoon with the roll in his hands. I sigh and look around. Now that that's settled. 

I fly up and hover over the crows nest, running my hand through my hair. Can I even talk to him without us fighting? Why can't we act like normal humans? I guess that would be a bit boring. I sigh and start pacing in the air. Why am I so afraid of him? Am I afraid of him?... 

I'm shocked by the thought and shake my head. Of course I am! He's an adult and all adults are bad news! I hit my head and scold myself for the thought. I huff and gather my courage as I shoot towards Captain's cave.

My feet hit the cool rock of the cave. "Captain Levi!" I call, trying to see over the side of the ship.i hear the crew laughing and singing sinking songs. It's only 10 am, how are they drinking already? I roll my eyes and float onto the deck. None of them seem to notice me and I don't see Levi. I look around and follow the hallway I've seen him walk down many times after a fight. I assume it's his room or office or something. I take a deep breath and knock on the door. No answer. My eyebrows furrow and I grab the handle, turning it slightly. The door opens a bit and I glance inside.

"What do you think you're doing,  Eren?" I hear a deep voice growl from behind me. I squeak and slam the door closed. 

"N-nothing, Captain!" I stutter. My eyes catch Levi's and I gasp softly. I've never really looked at him when he's not angry or his eyebrows aren't furrowed. His eyes are quite soft. The kind of soft you want to curl into and spend the rest of your life in. My eyes drift down to his pale, uncovered chest. I blush lightly and look back up at his eyes. Why am I blushing? It's just Levi! "I um-" I start, but I'm cut off by him walking past me and into the room behind me.

I stand there in the hallway, confused for a second, before he calls me in and I close the door behind me. "I don't really have the time to play your childish games right now, I'm busy," he says, shuffling through papers on his desk. 

"I wasn't- I didn't- I mean... I took this nod it's yours so I thought you could answer something for me," I manage to stutter out. He looks up at me, angry that I have something of his. "It's this compass!" I say holding it out for him. He tries to grab it but I snatch it back. "Why doesn't it point north, Levi?" I whisper.

His eyes grow soft again and he smirks a bit. "Because it's not supposed to."

"Then what's the point of the compass?"

"Give it back and I'll tell you," he says walking around his desk. He smirks at me as he leans against it. His arms cross against that perfectly sculpted, shiny- no, Eren!  I shake my head firmly and grip the compass tighter. "Do you want to know or do you want to keep it? Like you said, it doesn't point north so there's no point for you to have it."

"Why don't you just tell me now?" 

"Once you know, you won't give it back." I purse my lips together and think about what he's said. The need to know is eating at me and the gold in my hand burns. I look down at it and turn it over. I sigh and toss the compass to him. He smirks bigger and runs his finger over the top.

"It points to what you want most. Where did it point for you, Eren?" He says in a low, almost seductive look. My eyes widen as I remember it holding the arrow tip towards the cave. I shake my head to clear the through and shrug. "Don't lie, Eren."

"I'm not lying. I've only had it for a day so am I supposed to know where it's pointing?" I glare at him in annoyance. 

He seems to think about it for a bit. "Do you want to know?" I nod swiftly and he hands it back. "Open it. Tell me where it points." I look down at the gold compass confused. Why is he so stern about me knowing what I want? I slowly open the lid and again, the arrow spins and spins until it stops, pointing directly at Levi. I look at it without emotion, but surprised on the inside.

"Where?" I look up at him, a slight blush on my face.

"Where what?"

He rolls his eyes. "Where does it point?" He walks toward me and the arrow follows him. I groan. There's no denying it now. I want Levi. He leans over my shoulder and leans to the side a bit, the arrow following. He looks at me and back at the compass. 

"I see. We'll have to do something about that won't we~?"

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