14. Boketto

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AN~ smut warning. I haven't written any in a long time soooo

Boketto~ (v.) the act of  gazing vacantly into the distance without thinking

Ace pov

"Alright, today's the day." I huffed proudly. Because of Sabo's good rep and my empty promise to try and be the same, Whitebeard let us have a bake sale in the lunch room. It wouldn't start until lunch of course.

The dean knew I wasn't fining to change, but loved me anyway. If that wasn't true he wouldn't always play cards with me in his office when I got OSS.

"Thank you!" Sabo smiles cutely as another person dropped off their donated goods. The things people will do for community service hours. The table was 2 tables were almost full, and we were putting things we already had enough of behind for later. "This is so much, Ace! You think whiteboard will let us sell tommorow aswell?"

     "Probably." He only nodded and smiled, yet it didn't quite reach his eyes. I could tell Sabo was slightly embarrassed even though only a select few of our friends and the principal knew what the bake sale was really for. Neither of us liked it when people threw us a pity party.

      I let it go, but gradually Sabo began to space out more and more until he wasn't moving at all. Like a statue, almost, except I knew he was breathing because of the was a strand of blonde hair fluttered against eh corner of his mouth. I didn't doubt that there was nothing in his mind, but that look made me uneasy, staring off into the distance like that. "Hey, Sab?"

      "Yeah?" He replied with a raised eyebrow as he continued to lay some cupcakes out in a orderly manner. I toke this as a chance to grab his hand and lace it with mine.

      "Don't stress...you'll get wrinkles early." I teased,  not at all being serious about the last part, but it got Sabo out of his fix as I glared at me.

      "Someone's got to be the parent." He sighed still slightly overthinking the whole situation. Wondering if how people would react if they found out we had no parents, and lived together.

      I leaned near his ear so only he could hear me. "Okay, daddy." Breathing hotly into his ear I knew he automatically felt better in more than one place. Adorably, he clenched his eye tight as his face flushed a bright pink. Slowly, he exhaled before pushing up his glasses with a shaky finger.

      "Your so embarrassing."

      "Are you gonna spank me for being bad?"

      Before my smirk could climb into my lips, my face was covered in white stuff, and not the white stuff I wanted.

     Sabo had smashed a cupcake onto my face, awestruck I tried to wipe it off with my finger, but that only caused it to tangle in my hair. "Sabo, you've got to be kidding me.

     Anger was boiling in the bottom of my stomach like a low stove. 1) Sabo knew my hair was my pride and joy after my freckles and V muscle. 2) He was full out laughing as my self image plummeted.

     I did the only thing I could do.

     I smashed one right back into his hair, no not his face. Directly ontop his head. "Ohmygod Ace!"

     That was the beginning of World War III.


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