Lucifer? Or Igneel?

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Sorry for the long wait...

Wendy brought Lucy and her sisters into another room. It was larger and more richly decorated with red. Scanning the room, Lucy's eyes found a throne.

"Wait here for a moment and father would be out," Wendy said and walked off. Not to long after the young lady left, a man with red hair and two scars came out of another room.

"Hello Hearfillia girls. I'm Igneel also known as Satan!" the man introduced. Lucy suddenly felt nervous to be presented in front of Igneel, Natsu's father.

"H-hello!!" Lucy squeaked before adding a "your majesty" at the end.

"Lucy, Lisa, and Michelle. So nice for all of us to meet at once! Lisa, I trust your not fighting with my subjects too much. Michelle, I hope you feel at home here and Lucy, what ever were you doing in the cells?" Igneel asked leaning against the wall. "Oh and please just call me Igneel!"

"All right, Igneel. I came here to meet my sisters...," Lucy explained. Igneel smiled.

"Of course! Well they'll be leaving Hell with you so...," he started happily but then his expression turned serious, "you all should hurry up and pack. No telling how much longer we have. Lucy take Natsu and Wendy with you also. They must never return to Hell. I'm afraid I know my end is coming soon."

Lucy processed it all and nodded.

"Well you two hurry up. We have Dragneels to find and bags to pack!" Lisa shouted from the open door. Michelle smiled and pulled Lucy along. Soon they were ready to leave.

They ran through long halls, decorated in skulls, flames, and red carpets, shouting out in hopes of finding their travel companions. The three sisters called out the names of Natsu and Wendy.

"Wendy!?" Lisa shouted.

"Natsu!?" Lucy called out.

"Wendy!?Natsu!?" Michelle hollered.

The three of them wondered around the empty halls. Soon they ran into someone. He had jet black hair and a fringe that covered his eye. Across his nose was a scare. What are with devils and scars?

"What the-," the boy started when he ran into Lisa. He glanced between the three. "Why are you three here?"

"Looking for little Wendy and Natsu!" Michelle cheered.

"Natsu was just in the corridor and Wendy is taking her bath," the male explained before leaving. Michelle shouted a thank you and they continued on— this time with a destination.

Lisa and Michelle went to retrieve Wendy while Lucy went to find Natsu.

Lucy entered the corrider and looked around. She smiled when she spotted spiky pink hair. She raced towards Natsu only to realize that he was yelling at someone. That someone was the one and only Sting Dragneel.

The two stopped at her presence. "Natsu we have to leave now. Orders from Igneel," she said to him trying to keep her cool. Natsu turned around and Lucy saw horns, long nails, and sharp teeth. She then realized that his wings and tail were out. The glare he gave her was one of hate and irritation.

Lucy stepped back surprise. Suddenly a hand clamped down on her shoulder. She jumped and turned to see Zeref smiling at her.

"He is already turning. I'm afraid my plan is already in action," Zeref sneered. Lucy suddenly fell to the floor and her vision faded slowly. The last thing she saw was Natsu loosing control as his shirt ripped from him growing to large.

"Nat... su...,"" she mumbled before her vision blackened completely and her mind went blank.

This is so late. Ha. Well that's something to hold you guys off right? I take more test next week do its gonna be a whole again.

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