The Book

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Yay! Guess who's back! Back again!

I looked at the book lying on my bed. "Hey, Natsu, what's this?" Natsu turned to look at the worn-out leather book.

He froze a moment and silently searched for an answer. He opened and re-closed his mouth twice before finding the right words. "I think it's a book written by my sister, Wendy."

"Hmm? The title is E.N.D.," I said as I brushed the words sown onto the leather flap. Natsu looked up and motioned me to come over to the couch with the book and I sat down next to him. I leaned onto his shoulder and opened the book slowly. The inside of the book shone brightly and before I could open it fully, we were sucked inside. (Yeah, its different from the actual E.N.D book)

I opened my eyes to see a dark cage with black roses decorating the midnight bars. Fire escaped from gapes in the rock ground. I scanned the room and bones on string are strung up on the walls, blood red candles were lit, and strange stuffed animals decorated the walls.

I then saw a huddled black figure in the cage. I slowly approached the cage to see the figure better. As I took a step way to close to the cage, a scaly, red claw emerged from the cage. I jumped backed a little to avoid it.

"What!" I stood shocked at the scene I was seeing. The creature stood up to reveal a man-like dragon. The thing stood on it's hind legs and had waist length dark red hair. I noticed it was chained by the feet, hands, and neck. I gasped and took one step back. That's when I caught it's eyes. Those eyes had a familiar glint, just like Natsu's. I was drawn to the beast. I kept on stepping closer and closer to the mysterious beast. I outstretched my arm to touch it, but before I could, I was stopped by someone.

The person had grabbed my arm and returned it to my side. I didn't give the person a glance, but kept staring at the beast. The person spoke using a familiar voice, "Luce, I wouldn't touch that if I were you. We don't know what even happened after opening that book." It sounded like Natsu, spoke like Natsu, and even looked like Natsu, but I could tell it wasn't him. His touch was cold as ice and his stare wasn't his usual kind stare.

"Who are you?" I asked, not bothering to hide my knowledge of the imposter.

"What do you mean? It's me, Natsu!" The guy said worryingly.

"No, your not," I spat trying to convince the faker that he couldn't fool me. The guy smiled and his body turned to mist and reshaped again. This time he had dark hair and a calm expression. His eyes were like black holes and his skin was paler than pale. His devil ears and tail were, unlike Natsu's red ones, were darker then black itself.

"Great, you passed my test. You really are like my father explained. You sure made Sting angry and Natsu head over heals for you. You are impressive indee." The way the unknown male spoke with such certainty, it made me irritated.

"Where's the real Natsu?" I demanded. The male ignored my question and continued to rant.

"Well you certainly look like Layla, and you even act like her. Oh, I'm Zeref Dragneel. Sorry for my rudeness. I'm Natsu's older brother," the male explained, "So how'd you get hold of my book, E.N.D? Did someone bring it? Did you steal it? Did you find it? Oh, I know. Nastu's cat, Happy, brought it and left it at your apartment without explaining it to you and Natsu! Then you guys opened it, just like I planned, and were sucked inside! Did I get it correct?"

"Correct. Give the man a prize!" I sarcastically remarked. "How'd you know, Sherlock?"

"Sherlock? I have no idea who that is, but I got it correct because I planned it. I told Happy that E.N.D was Nastu's favorite book that he left on accident, so Happy took it to his beloved owner. There he would leave it. One of you two would get interested and open it, causing you to get sucked inside. That's how," Zeref explained his plan to me in a confidence manner.

"I'm calling you Sherlock Holmes from now on," I muttered under my breath. "Wow, that was about correct."

"I always am," he boasted. I rolled my eyes before turning to the beast once more.

"Who's this?" I asked. Zeref, A.K.A Sherlock Holmes, turned to me wide-eyed.

"Well, well, well. I guess I'm not the only smart one here. You could tell it's not a beast, but a cursed devil. This, is my father's pet. It was one of my siblings before it went against my father.", Zeref explained.

"That's terrible. What's his name...?" I asked carefully avoiding making anyone angry.

"Well, first, it's a female, and second, her name was Shakira. Now she's just called Bassie," Zeref answered looking at his fallen sister.

"Oh," I mumbled. Suddenly having your mood drop really is weird and saddening. Zeref noticed my soul's plummet to darkness and cracked a smile.

"Your a fragile girl aren't you?" he wickedly asked. At that moment I could've swore I saw his devil tail swaying back a forth like an overly happy puppy.

"...You know what, you're annoying. I've had enough of this, where's Natsu?" I asked impatiently.

"Oh, he's turning into what Shakira is now.", Zeref said creepily.

"What!", I exclaimed.

"Calm down, he's turning slowly. Only you can save him. Your unique power is just why I hoped to summon you here. Here's a warning: try to save Natsu and it'll kill you. Also, I'm the one who planted the serum in him that's now causing the change. He'll be my little puppet! Bye-bye now~," Zeref said. In the next moment, I was thrown back to my apartment.

I looked over to see a sleeping Natsu. What just happened...?

Wow the dramas real.....haha enjoy~

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