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   I looked back at the sleeping face of Natsu and decided that no matter what, I will save him. A glimmer of gold across the room caught my eye. Once I realized what it was, I scurried over to the bookcase. There I picked up the key my mom gave me and sat on my bed.

The Aquarius symbol of the twelve zodiacs rested of the helm of the gold key. I ran my finger over the symbol and wished I could protect him with my own power. Suddenly the golden key glowed and I shot up.

"Open! Gate of the Water Bearer Key! Aquarius!" I shouted without demanding myself to do so. (I know that's not what she says! I'm not gonna copy what they said because this isn't the real Fairy Tail!)

A blue light burst from end of the key and falls to the ground where and mermaid is formed. WAIT! A MERMAID? I stared in disbelief.

"Why haven't you summoned me for ten years, La-," the mermaid started, but stopped at the sight of me. "You're not Layla. You're her daughter, Lucy..."

"WHAAAAAA?" I screamed at the magical being in front of me. "Wha-wha-what are you? Why are you here AND spawned from my mother's key?"

"Jeez, you little brat. You know nothing, do you?" the being started, "I'm Aquarius. I'm one of your mother's few celestial spirits. I protect her when she can't do so herself. Now where is she? I have a bone to pick with her."

I look at Aquarius, shocked. "I'm afraid... that my mom died years ago," I briefly explained to the mermaid. Her eyes went wide and a hand covered her open mouth.

"How?" she shouted enraged more than sad. I watched her as she gathered water from nowhere and soaked my apartment. I shot a glance in Natsu's direction to check if he awoke- which he didn't.

"Can you um... you know, clean this water up?" I asked her while she threw a tantrum. After what seemed like eternity, she stopped and sucked the water back up, drying everything. I check once more if Natsu is awake, but he isn't.

"I'm visiting your mom's old house in the Angel's Realm, wanna come with? I'm going to get the rest if the keys," Aquarius asked. Even though I didn't know much about what she's talking about, I nodded. "Perfect! Come on little half blood!"

Before I could ask what 'half blood' meant, my room vanished- no more like we did- and a new room formed. It was a cozy little room with pale walls and fluffy carpets that covered the dark oak floors. Pictures decorated the, otherwise, blank walls. One caught my eye. It was a picture of my mom and dad holding a radiate baby, whom I assumed to be me. But then I noticed a older girl hiding behind my mom's foot holding another girl's hand. They we're twins. THAT MEANS! This baby is my younger sister... but what about the other girl who looks just like mini me?

I was gonna ask Aquarius, but she cut me off. "Here. Since your mom's gone, you are now our holder. Just grab a key and the rest is already programmed into you!"

"Wha... but... why?" I stuttered. She looked at me.

"I don't see Michelle or Lisa here, so its now your responsibility," Aquarius informed.

"Michelle or Lisa?" I questioned.

I'm on a role with shirt chapters today!

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