The Yellow Brick Road Doesn't Lead Home

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I'm a person. I am a human being. I breathe, I eat and I drink. I wear clothing, speak a language and I have an education. I am human. There is just that slight, teeny weeny defect that involves a furry tail sprouting out of my behind. And the formation of four paws. And maybe also the fact that I tend to get the overwhelming urge to occasionally howl at the moon. So, maybe I'm not so human. More like... Wolf with a slightly human defect. Hmm... For some strange reason, I don't believe Luke, or anyone for that matter, would appreciate this description. I can't imagine why...

People in the pack haven't really commented on the way I acted around them all. Apparently they thought I was a perfectly normal girl, who had coincidently saved their Alpha's life and had the slight misfortune of becoming the target of a group of hunters and rogues. Perfectly normal my great aunt pattoootie. Not that I have a great aunt pattootie. If I did, I would have used a different word, like, maybe... Ass. Luke used that phrase a lot. Like 'innocent, my ass' or 'loyal, my ass'. If I wanted to bring my ass into this, I would just flash you all. But Luke wouldn't appreciate that.

At all.

I've also learned recently, quite recently actually, that my mind typically begins to wander when I'm stressed. And when I say wander I mean legitimately wander. Like, away. Over the hills, into the sunset, and deep into the mysterious beyond...

Right now, around me, the packs were speaking around me, but the words filtered through my ears. I was bringing a new meaning to the phrase 'in one ear and out the other'.

I was the target.

I was the target of a group of rogues.

I was the target of a group of rogues AND a club of hunters.

Getting more specific about it was definitely not making me feel any better.

It did, however, allow for the forgiveness of one pack member. I inwardly sighed in relief. At least I had my best friend back. I suppose things would be a little tense for awhile, however having the truth out and Emily around was a major increase in my happiness meter...


I Saved The Alpha. (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now