Chapter 4~Awkard moment....

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-Your P.O.V.-

After dinner, Justin wanted to spend some time with me. Jasmine and Jason were sleeping and so were my parents. Me and Justin were sitting on the couch, with me wearing something comfy  I looked at Justin, as he smiled. I half smiled at him. It felt....awkard. I don't know why it was for though. Me and Justin were married, had two beautiful children and now we're divorced, everything seems awkard.

Justin:Do you think you and me will get back together again?

Justin looked at me with sorrow in his eyes.

Me:*sigh* I ain't sure Justin. It was hard looking after two children and all that and also with my parents help, it helped quiet a bit as well

Justin:I just wish I was there with you though. There were times when I wanted you and nobody else. You were my one and only. You were the girl who I fell in love with. You were the one that was right for me and nobody else was.

I could tell he meant it. I let out a sigh as my back hit the back of the sofa. There was another awkard moment when he tried to talk about me and Justin and we had to end it. I saw Justin look at me again, before he smiled.

Justin:You're beautiful and don't forget that

I smiled before I saw him smile. I got up and so did Justin.

Me:You want to stay for the night? There's a guest bedroom if you want too?


I smiled again before Justin did the same. Me and him walked up the stairs before we both hugged and said night to each other. I walked into my bedroom and shut the door. Hoping tomorrow will be a good day

We Belong Together // Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now