Chapter 3~Dinner at (YN)'s house

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-Still Justin's P.O.V.-

It was 5:15PM and I've got a bit of time to get ready. I can't wait to see my beautiful daughter again. I missed them so much. I decided to wear a tux and did my hair. 

I've always wished that (YN) was still mine and that we were a family. I let out a low sigh. I walked down the stairs and mum looked at me.

Pattie:Are you sure you're gonna be alright?

Me:Yeah. I mean, I haven't seen Jasmine in ages an-

Pattie:You missed her first birthday

Wait, what did mum just say? I missed my daughters first birthday....

Me:I missed my daughters first birthday?

Pattie:Yes you did Justin. (YN) tried calling you, but you wouldn't pick up the phone. You were too busy with Selena that you forgot your own daughter

Me:I didn't mean to. I knew it was her birthday and I was going to see her, but Selena wouldn't let me

Pattie:You could have called

Me:I did. Selena used to check my phone. I can't believe I missed her birthday though

Pattie:You need to go and say sorry to (YN)

I nodded my head. I hugged mum and said bye to her. I walked out the house and got into my car. I drove off to (YN)'s house. When I got there, I got out the car. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door. I saw her mum open it.

Sarah (YN)'s mum's name):Hey Justin, nice to see you again


She let me in. I sat on the sofa. I saw Jason run in and he came up to me. I picked him up and put him on my lap.

Jason:Mummy's missing you

Me:Mummy's missing me?

I saw Jason nod his head. I can't believe (YN) is missing me. I'm missing her though. I just want to be a family again.

David:Justin, how are things with you and Selena then?

Me:We broke up

David:How come?

Me:It's cause I couldn't get (YN) out of my mind. Everywhere I went, I felt like I could hear her voice or even see her and it wasn't her

David:That is how she's been. She may hide her feelings, but she was heartbroken for what you did to her

Me:I know and I regret what I did. I honestly didn't mean to do what I did to her

David:I know you didn't. I know (YN) wants to be a family again. I know that, Sarah knows that and I know you know that as well

I nodded my head. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. That was when I saw her. She was beyond beautiful. She was wearing this: [polyvore] her make up was all natural and her hair was straight. I always loved it when she was all natural. She doesn't need a ton of make up on. She walked in and looked at me. I got up and hugged her. She hugged me back.

(YN):Thanks for coming

Me:No problem. I wanted to see you again and also Jason and Jazmine. By the way, where is Jazmine?

(YN):She's sleeping at the moment

I nodded my head. I wanted to talk with (YN) and sort things out with her. I took her into the garden and sat down.

Me:I just want to talk with you. I know your dad said something about how you want us to be a family again

(YN):*sigh* I know I do, but, can I trust you again though?

Me:You can trust me. I know what I did was wrong and I regret it. I just want us to be like how we was. When we started dating. We both were 16 years old and I knew that I wanted to be with you the rest of my life. Look at the times when we've had arguments and we got through them. Also, when I took you to Paris and I proposed to you and when we had Jason and Jazmine, our two beautiful children. That is what I miss. I missed it.

(YN):I know you did. I agree with everything that you said, but, I can't believe you would do it though. I know you better than that Justin. Your family does and so does mine. Why do it for? Like I said to you, I felt like I wasn't good enough for you anymore

Me:But you were though. Everything about you was perfect

(YN):Then why cheat on me for? With you saying that everything about me is perfect, then why do it for?

I could tell she was on the verge of tears and so was I.

(YN):I will never forget what you did Justin

I saw her get up and walk back inside.

Sarah:You alright sweetie?

(YN):Yeah, I'm just gonna go and check on Jazmine

I walked back inside and I saw Sarah look at me.

Sarah:It isn't going well?


Sarah:Talk to her again in a few days time

I nodded my head. I had to think of something to make (YN) trust me again. I heard footsteps again and I saw (YN) holding Jazmine. She looks like her mum :')

(YN):Jazmine, look daddy

I saw (YN) point to me. She handed Jazmine to me and I felt her hug me.

(YN):She has missed you like anything

Me:I've missed her as well

Sarah:(YN), Justin, dinners ready

(YN):I'm just gonna go and get Jason

I saw (YN) walk into the living room. After a few minutes, she walked into the dining room, with Jason. We all sat down, with Jazmine on my lap. I felt like we were a family again. I want to be a family again with (YN) and I hopw one day we will be again.

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