We Belong Together (Justin Bieber Love Story)

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You broke my heart....

-Your P.O.V.-

I never knew I would find out this way. The love of my life has been cheating on me with Selena Gomez. I've been married to Justin for 2 years, with 2 beautil children, Jason and Jasmine Bieber. I'm now living with my mum, who's been a great support. I'm now working as a fashion designer, but there is one boy who is trying to win me back and that is Justin Drew Bieber the love of my life

My name is (YN) Bieber and I've been married to Justin for 2 years. I'm 22 years old, born 2 March. With 2 beautiful children, Jason and Jamsine. Jason was born when I was 19 years old and Jasmine was born when I was 21. Jason is now 3 years old and Jasmine just turned 1 :) I love them to bits, but I'm still in love with Justin....


I was at home. It's now after midnight. Jason and Jasmine are sleeping and Justin? Well, he keeps saying that he's gone to the studio, when I know he hasn't. I let out a sigh as I turned off the TV. He always comes home late now. I picked up my phone and called Ryan.

Ryan:Hello? *sleep voice*

Me:Ryan, sorry to wake you up

Ryan:Oh hey (YN), what's wrong?

Me:He's late again

Ryan:How many times has this happened now?

Me:Not sure

I heard the door open and Justin walked in. Hair messed, his clothes were ripped and he had lipstick stains on his white t-shirt and also on his face.

Me:He's here, call you later bye

Ryan:Bye (YN)

I hung up and looked at Justin. He smiled at me, but I wasn't.

Me:Where you been?


Me:Yeah right

Justin:I was though

Me:How do you explain the messy hair, the ripped clothes and the lipstick stains on your shirt and face?

I looked at Justin, waiting for an answer. He just stayed quiet. I couldn't believe this.

Me:You've been cheating on me?

Again, he stayed quiet.

Justin:I'm sorry

I shook my head and walked away from him. I called my mum and told her I was coming to stay over. I grabbed my suitcases and put my clothes in there. I also did Jason's and Jasmine's. I took them down stairs. Justin kept on looking at me, and it looked like he'd been crying. I let out a sigh as I picked up Jason and Jasmine. I took them and put them in the car and walked back inside.

Me:You treat Selena well. Maybe she has something that I haven't got

Justin:She hasn't. You've got everything

Me:Then why cheat on me if I did then? Sorry Justin, but I can't go through this again. Tell me how long this has been going on for, then I'll say goodbye

Justin:5 months

I sighed. Justin couldn't stop crying. I hugged him before I said goodbye to him. He lost me. I ain't gonna go back to him now.

-End of flashback-

Since that day, he's been calling me non-stop and asking me to be his again. I can't go down that road again. News reports been saying he's single since he dumped Selena 5 months ago. Me and Justin have been broken up for about 8 months now. I filled for divorce and it was hard getting Justin to sigh the papers. That was 7 months ago and now the papers are finalised.

Your mum:You going work today?

Me:No, gonna go and see dad at the studio

Your mum:You gonna be alright going on your own?

Me:Well, Jason wants to go and see him, so I'm gonna go and take Jason with me

I saw my mum nod her head. Jason hasn't seen his dad in over 2 months. Long....I know. I said bye to mum and Jason waved to her as I put him in his car seat and drove off to Island Def Jam Records.

-30 minutes later-

I arrived at Def Jam and got Jason out of his car seat. I took a deep breath, not wanting to know how Justin was going to be. As I walked in, all I could hear was shouting and it sounded like.....Justin

We Belong Together // Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now