Chapter 12-Truth

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-Your P.O.V.-

My heart was beating fast....I just couldn't believe it though. I truly do still love Justin. I always have and I always will, no matter what. He's the father of my children. It was hard taking the next step, but, I knew in my heart that I still loved him.

Me:I'm gonna tell you the truth

I saw Justin nod his head at me. I let out a low sigh before I looked at him.

Me:I still love you. I always have. I would never go a day without not thinking about you. Everyday, you were always in my mind. My mum and dad could tell. I would always look at Jason and think of you. Seeming, he looks a lot like you

I heard Justin chuckle and I smiled.

Justin:He does though and Jasmine looks a lot like you, but, she still looks a bit like me, but, more of you though


Justin:I agree with you

I looked at him a bit wired at first, seeming I didn't know what he meant by "I agree with you"

Me:What do you mean?

Justin:With what you said. I was always on your mind. That is how it was with me. I had photos of Jason and Jasmine on my phone and I would look at them and it would remind me of you. I thought I'd lost you. I would think that you would have gone off with somebody else and forgot all about me

I couldn't move on. I went on a few dates, but, I couldn't. I knew I loved Justin and he was the only one for me. The one who stole my heart and I don't want it back. He has my heart. I've got his. We were made for each other and he knows that.

Justin:Are we back toget-

I kissed him. I just wanted to tell him that I still love him and that I want to be with him again. I felt him smile in the kiss. I wrapped my arms round his neck and I felt his wrap round my waist. We kissed for about 3-4 minutes before we both pulled away. We rested our foreheads together. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

Justin:I love you

Me:Love you too

I gave him a quick peck and he smiled.

Justin:Does that mean we are back together?

I kissed him again.

Me:Does that answer your question? *smiles*

Justin:It sure does

He smiled at me and I smiled back. I was glad me and Justin are back together though....the love of my life ♥

We Belong Together // Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now